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中考英语第二轮复习专项训练一Tom was a waiter. He liked to plant flowers in his garden when he was 1 . Every time he worked in his garden, he 2 his old clothes. One Sunday morning after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began to dig (挖掘) in his garden at eight. He dug and dug. 3 half an hour he suddenly found a coin (硬币) near his foot. He was very glad. He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later he found 4 coin. He picked it up and put it into the same pocket. The same things happened 5 the third time, fourth and fifth time. He was very happy and told his wife about it. She was very happy, 6 . She said, A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few months 7 . The police caught him but they didnt find any coins.Then Tom went on 8 for some more coins, but just when he began to dig again, he felt something cold in his trousers. It ran down one of his 9 . He put his hand down quickly-and the coin came into his hand. Now he knew there was a 10 in the pocket. ( ) 1. A. timeB. no timeC. freeD. home ( ) 2. A. woreB. put onC. wearD. put ( ) 3. A. AfterB. LaterC. AgoD. Before ( ) 4. A. moreB. the otherC. othersD. another ( ) 5. A. inB. onC. forD. at ( ) 6. A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. neither ( ) 7. A. afterB. laterC. agoD. before ( ) 8. A. digB. diggingC. to digD. dug ( ) 9. A. legB. legsC. armD. arms ( ) 10. A. coinB. pocketC. thiefD. hole二Once my father and I went to see a circus(马戏团). A family was standing in front of us 1 for tickets.The family had eight children. Their clothes were not 2 but they were clean. They were talking about the clowns(小丑) and elephants excitedly.“I want 3 tickets, eight for children and two for adults(成人).” said the father to the ticket lady.The ticket lady told him the 4 . When he heard that, the man couldnt believe his 5 . He asked again, “How much?”The ticket lady spoke again. The father looked sad. Clearly, he didnt have 6 money.My dad took a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground. Then he 7 the bill, and said to the man, “Sir, this fell out of your pocket.”The man knew what was 8 on. He looked into my dads eyes and took the 9 . “Thank you, thank you, sir. This 10 means a lot to me and my family.”We didnt go to the circus that night, but we didnt feel sorry for it at all.( ) 1. A. waitingB. lookingC. workingD. preparing( ) 2. commonB. cheapC. oldD. expensive( ) 3. A. ticketB. tenC. twoD. five( ) 4. A. ticketB. numberC. priceD. time( ) 5. A. eyesB. earsC. noseD. head( ) 6. A. spareB. anyC. littleD. enough( ) 7. A. picked upB. took awayC. put downD. looked up( ) 8. A. walkingB. goingC. lookingD. holding( ) 9. A. bookB. pocketC. billD. bag( ) 10. A. hardlyB. nearlyC. onlyD. really三Ill never forget one summer day in 1975. on that day my mother 1 died because of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. later that afternoon, a police officer came to my house to 2 my fathers permission for the hospital to use mothers valve(心脏瓣膜). I was greatly surprised. I ran into the house in tears. I just couldnt understand why people would take apart(分解) a person I loved. 3 my father told him, “Yes.”“ 4 can you let them do that to her?” I said to him.“Linda,” he said 5 , putting his arms around me, “the greatest present you can give is a part of yourself. Your mother and I 6 long ago that if we can make a persons life better after we died, our death will have meaning.”The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most 7 in my life.Years passed. I married and had a 8 of my own. In 1996 my father became seriously ill. With a smile he told me that when he died, he wanted to donate(捐献) whatever was in good condition(状况), especially his eyes.My father died and we donated his eyes as he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, “Mum, Im so 9 of what you did for grandpa.” At that moment I realized that my father gave 10 his eyes. What he left behind sparkled(闪烁) in my daughters eyespride.( ) 1. A. finallyB. suddenlyC. slowlyD. soon( ) 2. A. tellB. look forC. findD. ask for( ) 3. A. SoB. AsC. ButD. And( ) 4. A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. How soon( ) 5. A. quietlyB. happilyC. sadlyD. loudly( ) 6. A. discussedB. talkedC. saidD. decided( ) 7. A. wonderfulB. importantC. warmheartedD. beautiful( ) 8. A. thingB. houseC. familyD. hope( ) 9. A. afraidB. tiredC. terrifiedD. proud( ) 10. A. more thanB. less thatC. more ofD. as
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