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训练2记叙文()A(2016湖南东部六校联考)I was about to open the door of my car when I saw a man approaching.The man pointed a(n) 1 at me.“Give me your purse!”“I dont have a purse,” I said.He kept coming.“Give me your purse!” He 2 the gun in my stomach.He reached over,seized my 3 and opened the trunk (汽车尾箱)He 4 me to the back of my car.I hesitated.“Get in,” he shouted,“now!” I did it,only 5 I knew exactly where the trunk release was.“Dont move; dont make a noise,” he 6 . He slammed the trunk shut.Everything went 7 Right there in the trunk,my eyes were adjusting to the darkness.My fear started to 8 and my mind cleared.I knew whatever direction he turned,he would have to slow down.I waited for my 9 He drove the car forward and then stopped.I heard another car honk behind.He then 10 and the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour.I couldnt tell where we were going.As soon as he slowed down,I pulled the 11 release,pushed it open and jumped out.I 12 through peoples yards and tried to put distance and objects between the kidnapper and me.I ran back to my apartment complex and 13 doors.One finally opened and an older lady let me in.I 14 closed the door and locked it.While I was on with the 911 15 ,there was a knock at the door.Standing there was a hulking figure,a Daytona Beach police officer.He was in the neighborhood and 16 immediately.Officers 17 the kidnapper the next day.“You have no idea how 18 you are,” one of the officers told me.“Carjackings that developed into kidnappings 19 turn out well.”I knew it wasnt luck that had saved me.It was the 20 ,both of mind and of soul.Remember chances only favor those who are prepared!本文是一篇记叙文。作者在开车途中遭遇抢劫,在危急时刻,作者冷静思考,用机智和勇敢巧妙地自救,从而告诉我们:机会总是留给有准备的人。1A.fingerBcameraCarrowDgunD根据第三段中的“He 2 the gun in my stomach”可知,劫匪用枪指着“我”,故选D。2A.stuckBthrewCfiredDhidA他用枪抵住“我”的肚子。stick“刺,戳”;throw“扔”;fire“点火”;hide“躲藏”。故选A。3A.handsBphoneCkeysDwalletC根据后面的“opened the trunk(打开汽车尾箱)”可知,他拿起“我”的钥匙(keys)。故选C。4A.assistedBguidedCpersuadedDforcedD根据语境可知,此处表示劫匪强迫“我”进入尾箱。assist“帮助”;guide“指导”;persuade“劝服”;force“强迫”。故选D。5A.thoughBbecauseCunless DuntilB“我”进了尾箱,只因为“我”准确地知道尾箱开启处在哪儿。故选B。6A.warnedBquestionedCexplainedDrepeatedA劫匪警告“我”不要动,不要发出声音。warn“警告”;question“质问”;explain“解释”;repeat“重复”。故选A。7A.smoothBdarkCsilentDnaturalB根据空后一句中的“my eyes were adjusting to the darkness”可知,选B。8A.spreadBincreaseCappearDliftD根据后面的“my mind cleared(我的思维清晰)”可知,本处指“恐惧开始消失(lift)”。spread“传播”;increase“增加”;appear“出现”。故选D。9.A.resultBchanceCchoiceDideaB此处表示“我”在等待机会。result“结果”;chance“机会”;choice“选择”;idea“想法”。故选B。10A.continuedBslowedCacceleratedDremainedC根据空前面的“then stopped”和后面的“the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour”可知,劫匪把车加速了。 continue“继续”;slow“减速”;accelerate“加速”; remain“停留”。故选C 。11A.trunkBlightCalarmDmotorA根据语境可知,此处表示“我”拉开尾箱开关,与上文的“I knew exactly where the trunk release was”呼应。故选A。12A.walkedBracedCwanderedDpassedB根据后面的“甩开劫匪”可知,本处指“我”快速地跑。walk“走”;race“快速移动”;wander“闲逛”;pass“通过”。故选B。13A.pulledBshutCansweredDbeatD根据后面的“One finally opened and an older lady let me in”可知,本处指“敲门”。pull“拉”;shut“关闭”;answer“回答”;beat“敲打”。故选D。14A.skillfullyBcarefullyCrapidlyDsilentlyC根据语境可知,“我”快速地关上门并锁好它。skillfully“巧妙地”;carefully“仔细地”;rapidly“迅速地”;silently“沉默地”。故选C。15A.operatorBvictimCcriminalDorganizerA“我”跟911电话接线员取得联系。operator“电话接线员”;victim“受害者”;criminal“罪犯”;organizer“组织者”。故选A。16A.returnedBleftCwithdrawDrespondedD那位警察就在隔壁,他立即做出反应。return“返回”;leave“离开”;withdraw“撤回”;respond“做出反应”。故选D。17A.educatedBarrestedCsuspectedDdismissedB第二天,警察逮捕了劫匪。educate“教育”;arrest“逮捕”;suspect“怀疑”;dismiss“解雇”。故选B。18A.calmBdangerousCluckyDbraveC根据后面的“I knew it wasnt luck that had saved me”可知,警察说“我”幸运。calm“镇静的”;dangerous“危险的”;lucky“幸运的”;brave“勇敢的”。故选C。19A.rarelyBusuallyCprobablyDgenerallyA抢劫发展成绑架,很少有好的结果。本处警察说“我”能活着是运气好。rarely“很少”;usually“通常”;probably“很可能”;generally“一般地”。故选A。20A.fortuneBpatienceCpreparationDcourageC根据后面的“Remember chances only favor those who are prepared”可知,是思想上的准备(preparation)救了“我”。故选C。【导学号:90892065】B(2016江西百校联盟统考)We would all love to learn how to be happy.And sometimes,the 21 comes from a surprising place.There was an anthropologist (人类学家) who had been studying the habits and 22 of a remote African tribe.He had been 23 in the village for 24 some time and the day before he was to return home,he put together a gift basket filled with delicious fruits from around the region and 25 it in a piece of cloth.He placed the basket under a tree and then he 26 the children in the village.The man drew a 27 in the dirt,looked at the children,and said,“When I tell you to
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