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A Study on Childrens English Education from the Perspective of Communicative Language Teaching ContentsAbstract摘要.Introduction.1 .Material Review.1A. Children English.11.Definitions.2 2.English teachersprofessional quality.3B. Communicative Language Teaching .31.Definitions.42.Overview of the theory.5.The Fact of Communicative Teaching in China .6A. Three major issues to occur 7B. Three problems in practical teaching.7.Communicative Approach Breakthroughs and Innovations in Practice.8 A. TPR teaching method.8 B. Scenario topic Communicative Language Teaching8 C. An attempt on four paragraphs of teaching.8V. Conclusion.9References.10A Study on Childrens English Education from the Perspective of Communicative Language Teaching AbstractThere isa prevalence of regional imbalanceforTeacher Resource AllocationinChildrens English education internationally. In addition, there is teachers professional qualities way from person to person. Under such circumstance, thisthesisendeavors to improve Childrens English teaching by applying communicative approach and puts great emphasis on enhancing teachers capabilities. It is likely for teachers to make three mistakes with regard to the understanding of communicative approach. At the same time,during the process of their practice, Chinese teachers may also encounter four problems. As a result, children often react coldly in class and teaching goals can be rarely achieved. While creating effective interactive activities is the key to walk out of the dilemma.Based on personal teaching practice, andthe paper presents three innovative aspects in thecommunicative teaching, with the hope that teaching goals with be matched by childrens English ability.Keywords: Communicative Approach; Childrens English;Teaching Research 交际教学法指导下的少儿英语教育探究摘要 目前在国际上少儿英语教师的师资分配,普遍存在着地区性的不均衡。此外,少儿英语教师的专业素质也良莠不齐。鉴于此,本文引入了对如何学习西方的交际教学法开展本国的英语教学。本文从中国少儿英语教学角度出发,重点突出英语教师专业素质要求。并由此阐述交际教学法在中国实践教学,罗列出我们在了解和接受交际教学法过程中容易犯的三个认识误区。与此同时,也指出在少儿英语教学环节中遇到的四大问题。而课堂互动环节,是我们解决交际教学目标和课堂效益反差对比的关键。本文依据个人的教学经验,总结出了在交际教学的授课方面的三个创新。最终实现对少儿英语交际教学目标与孩子的英语交际能力的完美结合。关键词:交际法;少儿英语;教学探究A Study on Childrens English Education from the Perspective of Communicative Language Teaching.IntroductionSince the rise of children English training in China in the early 1990s up to the Chinese mainland by the end of 2012, there is more than 180 million school-age children, hundreds of billions of potential market size. Whats more, it can be said that childrens English training market in China enjoys unlimited prospect. Howeverthere are inevitableproblems in the aspect of teaching theory and teaching skills.Based on this, this article explains thatcommunicative language teaching (CLT). Besides, the paper also presses how tomakeprofessionalChildrens English teachers in the practical teaching. The author points out the goal of combining Communicative teaching goals andEnglish communication ability. From February 2001 the Ministry of Education released guidance to actively promote primary school English classes.Material ReviewA. Children EnglishChildrens English includes children from 3 to 12 years old, and childrens English teacher. On one hand,there is an overview of ChildrenEnglish at all levels of Chinas national conditions. According to primary education stage ofCourse objectives; there are five parts for a general description:the students language skills, language knowledge, attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the integrated behavior. Primary school should require a successful English teacherwho canmotivate students in a better learning state, so that they enjoy learning the language of English. Childrens English includeschildrens English education and childrens English exam. And as a children teacher, we should not only master childrens teaching content, but also become the professional in terms of other qualities.On the other hand, professional childrens English teachers should understand the children in class: they must keep care about children all through course. Of course, they may focus on th
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