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恩江二小高效课堂导学案 六 年级 英语 科 上 学期 主备人: 章薇 课 题Unit 6 The story of rain 课 时第二课时 A Lets try Lets talk Group work C Task time学 习目 标1.能听懂、会说、流利读、正确书写四会句子: “Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.”(本节课学习重点)2.能够熟练的叙述水循环的过程。(本节课学习难点)3.听懂Lets try的录音内容并正确标号。一、 学生分层预习方案(自学提示)1.自主学习对话(试读,试翻译,不会的注意作标记)2.流利背诵对话。(自己能独立背并默写重点句型)3.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。4.欣赏歌曲“Little Water Drop”,并跟唱。5.根据图片写单词。 _ _ _ _二、 课堂导学方案设计预习检查1.你能完成听音标号的练习吗? 2.请你大声的读71页对话三遍,然后将对话补充完整。A: _ does the rain come from? B: It _ from the clouds.A: Where does the _ come from? B: It comes from the vapour.A: Where does the vapour _ _? B: It comes from the water _ the river. A: How can the water become vapour? B: The sun shines and the water _ vapour.3.你能翻译出这个对话吗?请将汉语意思写在课本上。合作探究(小组内讨论合作交流)1.你能流利朗读上面的对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内自由读。(2)小组推荐优秀组员领读,全班跟读。(3)和同桌互相背这个对话。(4)小组内分角色表演该对话。2.根据下图和你的组员来叙述一下水循环的过程吧!例如: The water comes from the rain3.小组合作讨论,排列下列对话的顺序。 ( ) Where does the cloud come from? ( ) It comes from the vapour. ( ) How can the water become vapour? ( ) The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. ( ) Where does the rain come from? ( ) It comes from the clouds. ( ) Where does the vapour come from? ( ) It comes from the water in the river.4.水是世界上不可缺少的资源,那我们应该怎样节省呢?一起讨论下吧!How do we save(节省) water? First,do not waste (浪费) water.三、分层练习,当堂检测1.补全对话。(从A、B、C、D中选出恰当的一句,填在空格上。)Amy: _1_ ? Mike: I come from Beijing.Amy: _2_ ? Mike: Im a doctor.Amy: _3_ ? Mike: I work in a hospital.Amy: _4_ ? Mike: I usually go by bus.A. How do you usually go to work?B. Where do you come from?C. What do you do?D. Where do you work? 2.按要求做题。(1) The rain comes from the clouds.(对划线部分提问) _(2) It come from the vapour. (改错) _(3) Where do the cloud come from? (改错) _(4) - Where does the bread come from?- It comes from _. (flower , flour) (5) comes, water, the ,it ,from, river, in _3.判断划线部分发音是否一致,一致(T),不一致(F).(1) ()stream read (2) () vapour turn(3) () cloud mouth (4) () bread stream (5) () come stop (6) () shine live四、目标达成情况与课后反思学年度任课教师课后反思与目标达成一检查人:二 检查人:
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