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20162017学年三年级(上)英语期中考试试卷(制卷人:周骏宏)一、Listen and number. 听音,为下列单词图片排序。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、Listen and tick .听音,选出正确图片,并打“”。(8分)1、 2、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、 4、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen,choose and circle.听音,选择你所听到的句子,把前面的番号圈起来。(8分)1. A . Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.2. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon!3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you, too.4. A. four B. five四Look and match. 连线,将相应的单词和图片连线。(36分) one seven three eight two ten zero six four nine 五、Read and choose. 看图,选择正确答案,将番号填在横线上。(8分)1、Look, its a _.A. car B. ball 2、Hi!Im _. A. Du Xiaomao B. Hao Tiao 3、Close your _, please! A. book B.pen 4、Hello! Im Lu Hua. Im _ years old.A. nine B.eight 六Dialogue. 对话,根据上一句将相应句子的番号填在横线上。(20分)1. Hello, Miss Liu!_A. Good morning, Lu Hua! B. Hello, Lu Hua!2. Max? _ A. Yes! B. Good!3. Happy Teachers Day! _ A. Thank you! B. Good!4. Look, a ball! _ A. Yes, its a cat. B. NO, its a cat.5. Guess, please. A. A pen? B. Oh yeah!6. Show me your book. A. Here! B. OK!7. Number off, please. A. Oh no. Four. B. One Two Three 8. Whats your number? A. Number 4. B. Im nine.9. How old are you? A. Number 3. B. Im eight.10. Ready, go! A. 1,2,3,4,5,6. B. Im nine years old.七、Translation. 译一译,把相应的中文写在横线上。(12分)1. Sit down, please._2. Close your books, please._3. Guess,please._4. I love you, China!_5. Number off, please._6. NO! Call 119 in China._参考答案:听力:一1.Cat 2. Ball 3.Lu Hua 4. Pen 5. Pencil 6.Car 7. Max 8.Ruler二1. Miss Liu 2. Stand up 3. Car 4. Dog三 1. Yes, it is. 2. Good afternoon!3. Nice to meet you.4. five笔试:四五 BAAB六BAABA ABABA七
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