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2023年6月21日四级听力试题原文及译文Section A W:Gorge, look at the long waiting line. I am glad youve made a reservation. M:More and more people enjoy eating out now. Beside, this place is especially popular with the overseas students. Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place? W: 乔治,看看这里排着这么长的队,真快乐你订到了座位。 M:越来越多的人喜欢在外面吃饭。并且这个地方特别受留学生亲睐。 Q:对话也许在哪里发生? M:I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening. The Stevensons are coming over to dinner. Id like you to meet them. W: Sure, Id love to. Ive heard they are very interesting people. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? M:你明天晚上能到我这来一趟吗?史蒂文森一家明天到我家吃晚饭,我希望你能见见他们。 W:当然,我非常乐意。我听说他们非常故意思。 Q:我们可从该对话中了解到什么? W: The presentation made by Professor Jacksonwas complicated to understand. M: Well, I think he didnt speak slowly enough for us for us to take the notes. Q: What did the man complain? W:杰克森专家作的报告太难懂了。 M;我觉得他的语速太快,我们主线没法做笔记。 Q:男士抱怨什么? W: Youve got your apartment furnished, havent you? M: Ive bought some used furniture from Sunday market. It was a real bargain. Q: What does the man mean? W:你买了家具,是吗? M:我从周日市场买了一些旧家具。价钱便宜。 Q:男人什么意思? M Mary doesnt want me to take the job. She says our child is too young. And the job requires much travelling. W: You should talk to her again and see if you can find a way out. Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? M:玛丽不想让我干那个工作,她说孩子还些这个工作又需要我经常出差。 W:你应当和她再谈谈,看你们能不能想出个两全其美的办法。权衡一下利弊,再做决定。 Q:从对话中我们可以了解到什么? M:I havent got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should call to make inquiries? W: There is no hurry. The test scores are released at least eight weeks after the test. Q: What does the woman advise the man to do? M:我还不知道GRE考试的分数。你觉得我是不是该打电话问问? W:不要急。考试的分数至少要在考试后八周之后公布。 Q:女人建议男人干嘛? M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last month? W: oh, I didnt read straight through the way you read a novel,I just covered a few chapters which interested me most. Q: How did the woman read the book? M:你读上个月你买的那本书了吗? W:哦,我不象你读小说那样从头读到尾。我读了我感爱好的几章。 Q:女人采用什么读书方式? W: Hello, Joe, Havent seen you for quite a while. Are you fine? M: Oh,yes, but not a thing to go against me. I had a car accident, only someminor injuries though. Q: What happened to Joe? W:你好,乔,很久不见,你好吗? M:还好,我吉人自有天相,出了车祸,只但是受了轻伤。 m: The taxi is waiting downstairs, lets hurry. W: Wait a minute. Ill take some food with us. I dont like the meal served on the train. Q: What are the speakers going to do? M:出租车在楼下等着,赶紧! M:等等,我要带点吃的东西。我不喜欢吃火车上供应的食物。 Q:两个谈话者准备做什么? W: Is that optional course as hard as everybody says? M: Its actually even worse, believe it or not. Q :What did the man say about the course? W:那门选修课象别人说的那么难吗? M:不管你信不信,难极了。 Q:他们如何评价选修课? Section B Passage 1 My father woke me up early one morning when I was fourteen and announced Get up, you are going with me to cut grass. I felt proud and excited because my father thought I was responsible enough to help him in his business. Still, that first day was very hard. From sunrise to sunset, my father, my younger brother and I cut and t very large yards in well-to-do part of the city. By the end of the day I was exhausted, but I felt good. I put out a hard days labor and earned six dollars. One day, my father spotted some weeds I have miss cutting and pulled me inside. Cut that section again! he said firmly and dont make me have to tell you again.” The message was very clear. Today I stress the importance of doing the job right the first time. Every job I have held from cutting lawns to wash dishes to working a machine on the construction site. I have learned something that help me in my next job. If you work hard enough, you can learn from any job you do. 11 Q: How did the speaker feel when his father asked him to help cut grass?13 Q: What did his father do when the speaker missed cutting some leaves? 14 Q:What did the speak want to tell us in this passage? Passage B I am living in a small village in the country. My wife and I run a village shop. We have a very peaceful live, boring some my say. But we love it. We know all the people in the village. They have plenty of time to stop and chat. I have plenty of time for my hobbies too-gardening, fishing, walking in the country side. I love the outdoor life. It wasnt always like this though I used to have a really stressful job, working so late in the office every evening. I often bring work home at the weekends. The advertising world is very competitive. And when I look back, I cant imagine how I stood it. I have no private life at all. No time for the really important things in life. Because of the pressure of the job, I used to smoke and drink too much. The crisis came when my wife left me. She complaint that she never saw me and I had no time for family life. This made me realize what is really important to me. I talked things through wi
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