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复旦大学 MPAcc 面试历年试题汇总 中文1 . 对会计信息的认识2 . IT 的正负影响3 . 诚信4 . 绩效的考核5 . 如何调动员工的积极性6 . 管理创新7 . 加入 WTO 以后,中国企业的应对策略8 . 如何考评员工的工作表现9 . 谈企业竞争策略的选择10 . 负债经营的利弊11 . mpacc 教育是培养通才还是专才 ?12 . 领导与管理的区别13 . 管理是艺术还是科学英语14 . PLS give your opinion on GUANXIs impact to the enterprises in China.15 . If you want to develop a new brand of ice cream in China, what strategy would you pursue?16 . leader should keep distance or get close to his or her employee17 . Many people believe that the knowledge-based economy has begun. Please discuss the impact you think it may have on your firm.18 . What do you think will be the short-term and long-term impacts on China when we join the WTO? Please be specific in your answers.19 . If a foreign investor wants to make direct investments in China, how would you advise him?20 . Which city will be the financial hub of Asia in 2005, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo or any other city in Asia?21 . If you are granted 3 wishes, what will they be?22 . What are the main tasks facing a business leader nowadays?23 . If you are given US$1million to invest, what sector will you put your money in and why?24 . China is being accused by many developed countries as being lax in environmental issues. What is your view on this accusation?25 . In China, economic development in the western regions is lagging behind that of the eastern provinces. What measures would you propose to speed up the development of the western regions?26 . Unemployment and aging are some urgent social issues in China. What measures would you propose to relieve the problem?27 . If you want to develop a new brand of ice cream in China, what strategy would you pursue?28 . Discuss the differences between managers and leaders.29 . Some companies claim that mpacc graduates are generalists. They do not have an in depth knowledge of any particular business area. How would you convince them otherwise?30 . Some people argue that high tech companies should have higher P/E ratios because of their future earning potentials. How much would you agree or disagree with this argument?31 . Your firm is undergoing a reengineering exercise to reduce the number of employees. You are asked to cut 30% of your staff. What would you do?
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