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听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingClass.net Topic:Something about the birthdayHint: When is your birthday? Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents birthday? How did you celebrate the birthday for them? You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? 今日话题: Secret loveWere you a secret admirer for someone?How was your feeling?How do you think about secret love?What is real love in your opinion? 今日话题: 写博客Do you have your own blog?How do you think about writing the blog?What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?Do you think people should write private things in the blog? 今日话题:减压Do you have pressure for life and work?Do you often feel upset or disappointed?How will you release your pressure?What is the best way to release our pressure? 今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日Do you often celebrate your birthday?How do you celebrate your birthday?Have you ever received some special birthday present?Did you have a unforgettable birthday celebration? 今日话题: Go dutch10天会说1000实用英语口语短句http:/www.tingclass.net/list-8576-1.html 浏览:9553常用英语口语短句745http:/www.tingclass.net/list-8456-1.html 浏览:2109NO BOOK英语口语极短句http:/www.tingclass.net/list-5651-1.html 浏览:98380When friends go out together, should they go dutch?How do you think about a couple go dutch for everything?Do you think ladies should be independent in finance? 今日话题: 抽烟喝酒Do you like smoking?Do you like drinking?What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?Why do so many people like it so much? 今日话题: EducationHow do you think about Chinese education?What are the advantages of Chinese education?What are the disadvantages of Chinese education?What are the differences between Chinese education and foreign education? 今日话题:HouseworkDo you often do housework at home?Do you think all the housework should be done by ladies?Should the man do some housework? 今日话题:The love between student and teacherHow do you think about the love between student and teacher?Have you heard of this kind of affair?Is it right for a teacher to fall in love with a student? 今日话题: CollectionDo you collect anything?What do you collect?Why do you like to collect it?What do other people like to collect? 今日话题: Beauty salonDo you often go to the beauty salon?Do you think Beauty salon can make people more beautiful?What kind of people often go to the beauty salon 今日话题:Must a family have a child?Did you marry?Do you have a child?Do you think a family must have a child? Why?How is a family which has no child? 今日话题:出国Do you want to go abroad?Which country would you like to go?Do you think it is useful for you? why? 今日话题: 好朋友多年后的重逢Do you have some friends that you havent met for a long time?Is he or she a very good friend of you?Did you meet some friends that you havent seen each other for ages?How do you feel when you meet them again? 今日话题: 移民Do you want to immigrate to some other foreign countries?Why do you want to immigrate to other countries?Which country would you like to go?Why do some many people want to immigrate? 今日话题: Chinese New yearWhat is your plan for Chinese New year?How many days holidays do you have?Who would you like to spend this time with? 今日话题: An interesting tripDo you like travelling?Where is the place that you think most interesting?Where have you been to ?Was that trip intesting? Why? 今日话题: Being lateHave you ever been late?When and for what event were you late?How do you think about someone who is always late?Is punctuality important?What are some of the excuses that people always use for being late? 今日话题: Small businessWhat kinds of small business are popular in China?Why do some people open their own business?What quanlities does a samll business owner need to have?What are the advantages and disadvantages of small businesscompared to large companies? 今日话题: LeaderDo you want to be a le
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