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单选题Five minutes earlier, _ we could have caught the last train.A: andA: butA: orA: so单选题There are few electronic applications _ to raise fears regarding future u003cbr/u003eemployment opportunities than robots. u003cbr/u003eB: likely B: more likely B: most likely B: much likely单选题I was _ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.C: to C: on C: at C: in单选题In no country _ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.D: other than D: more than D: better than D: rather than单选题You _ know how to operate a computer when go to work as a clerk.E: must toE: will have toE: mightE: could单选题The book _ he devoted much time is to come out next month.F: where F: which F: to which F: on which单选题As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _.G: ought to be said G: must say G: have to be said G: need to say单选题Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.H: twice as much protein H: twice protein as much twice H: twice protein as much H: protein as twice much单选题In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the totalu003cspan styleu003du0022color: #666666; font-family: u0026#39;Microsoft Yaheiu0026#39; font-size: 14px; line-height: 30px; background-color: #FFFFFF;u0022u003e_u003c/spanu003efor living expenses. u003cbr/u003eI: acceptable I: advisable I: available I: applicable单选题_, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly u003cbr/u003ethan a man whose command of language is poor. u003cbr/u003eJ: Other things being equal J: Were other things equal J: To be equal to other things J: Other things to be equal单选题TOEFL is a test for students _ native language is not English.K: thatK: whoK: whoseK: which单选题The conductor and composer _ by a crowd of people.L: are greeted L: is greeted L: greets L: have been greeted单选题The new dining hall _ accommodate (容纳) more than one thousand guests afterM: was able toM: mustM: canM: will be able to单选题Did you notice the guy_ head looked like a big potato?N: whoN: whichN: whoseN: whom单选题The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three children u003cbr/u003eof their own. u003cbr/u003eO: adaptO: bringO: receiveO: adopt单选题The committee is totally opposed _ any changes being made in the plans.P: ofP: againstP: onP: to单选题Would you like something _?Q: drinkQ: to drinkQ: drinkingQ: for drinking单选题If the whole operation _ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.R: was not planned R: has not been planned R: had not been planned R: were not planned 单选题My wallet is nowhere to be found. I _ in the store.S: must drop itS: must have dropped itS: should have dropped itS: ought to have dropped it单选题One day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.T: came across T: came about T: came after T: came at单选题Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.U: a large numberU: the large numberU: a large amountU: the large amount单选题They have learned about_in recent years.V: several hundreds English wordsV: hundreds of English wordsV: hundred of English wordsV: several hundred English words单选题_ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.W: EachW: AnyW: EitherW: One单选题Does everyone on earth have an equal right _ an equal share of its resources?X: by X: at X: to X: over单选题_ in government was exposed through the agency of the press.Y: CorruptionY: CosmeticY: CottageY: Costume
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