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参赛教学设计基本信息 作者姓名刘扬扬性别女出生年月1987年6月工作单位 阜阳 市 颍泉 县 第四中学 学校 邮政编码236000通讯地址阜阳市第四中学 联系电话15905582389电子邮箱455832447qq.com所用教科书书名人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语选修7教材年级高二(下)教材册次、单元选修7第2单元设计主题Unit2 Robots Using Language- Speaking & Writing1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明本节课的重点是在上节课教材输入的基础上达到学生对语言和写作的输出,基于课程标准:“注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力”。Speaking的设计训练学生的口语表达能力,基于对学生读后写作训练的要求,这一部分的设计是从教材文章入手,让学生有东西可抓,先交代出审传记作文题要注意题材、人称、顺序和时态四个方面,然后从不同方面让学生从文中找出一些好的句型结构为写作做好铺垫,降低难度,树立学生写作的信心从而培养学生综合运用语言的能力。2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:1. 本单元的话题是“机器人” “科幻文学作品”和“科幻小说作家”,内容主要涉及著名的科幻小说艾萨克阿西莫夫的生平简介和他所创作的有关机器人的科幻小说。2. 本课 A Biography of Isaac Asimov 是本单元的第五课,主要是一节写作课。3. 通过上节课对文章的阅读基础上,指导学生进行说和写的训练,以实现本节课的语言输出目的。学生情况分析:1. 学生在上一节阅读课上已基本获取了Isaac Asimov 的背景信息。2. 高二的学生已具备了一定的从语言材料中获取相关语言信息的能力。 3.高二学生思维比较活跃,逻辑思维比较成熟,能够积极讨论,并且也已积累一定的词汇量,基本具有书面表达能力。4.高二学生对高考作文评分标准基本了解,具有初步评价别人作文的能力。3.教学目标分析1. 语言知识目标:引导学生筛选积累传记写作的句型。2. 语言技能目标:训练学生用英语表达能力;训练学生借鉴句型进行传记写作的能力;训练学生评价别人作文并进行修饰润色的能力。3. 情感态度目标:通过采访对话,激发学生对科学的兴趣;依据句型降低传记写作难度,激发学生英语写作的兴趣,树立学生学习英语的自信心。4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 指导学生进行传记写作。 教学难点: 1.指导学生进行传记写作。 2.指导学生评价别人的作文并进行修饰润色。5.教学过程设计(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)步骤1:Leading-in Show some pictures of Isaac Asimov and his works.设计意图:衔接上节阅读课,引出下一步采访对象。步骤2:Speaking: an interviewGet students to design an interview about Isaac Asimov with their partners with the following tips. Suppose you were a reporter from CCTV, you would be required to have an interview with Isaac Asimov. Try to act out the interview with your partner. Tips: May I ask you some questions about your work ? Would you mind my asking you a few questions ? I wonder if I could interview you about your. Why do you like writing science fiction stories? When did you find your talent for writing? . Its an honour to have the opportunity to talk to you today. Thank you very much for accepting my interview. T: Oh, Im sorry I forget what we learnt about him last time. So can you help me pick up my memories through your interview ?设计意图:通过设计采访讨论,锻炼学生合作交流和英语表达的能力。同时也能实现学生对课文阅读的反馈,为后面筛选传记句型结构作铺垫。步骤3:Pre-writing 1. Encourage students to observe the passage to find out features of a biography from four aspects: style; person; tense; order.2. Let students skim the passage to find out the useful sentence structures for a biographical writing. A brief introduction Birth and death Early life: family, education and early jobs Writing experience (Achievements) Awards and famous works Marriage设计意图: 鼓励学生主动思考,自主学习发现传记写作的特点要求和高级句型降低写作难度并为写作做好铺垫。步骤 4:WritingAfter full preparations, now ask students to write a biography of Helen Keller according to the following timeline with 100-120 words. The timeline of the events in Kellers life 1880 Born in Alabama ,the USA 1882 Got an illness / deaf and blind 1887 Ann Sullivan became Kellers instructor / began to learn to communicate Attended the Perkins Institute for the Blind 1903 Published The Story of My Life 1904 Graduated from Radcliffe /the first person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree 1913 Published Out of the Darkness / a total of 12 published books and several articles throughout her life 1968 Died in her sleep/devoted to raise funds for the American Foundation for the Blind设计意图:通过海伦凯勒传记的写作,训练学生的书面表达能力。步骤 5:Post-writingChoose one students composition with middle level and reflect it on the screen. Then give students 8 minutes to find out the highlights in it according to the score standard of college entrance examination English composition and discuss to polish it.设计意图:根据学生不同学习水平,全班学生共同点评一篇作文找出亮点,成绩优秀的学生还可以提出自己认为更好的句子润色作文。这是本节课的高潮部分,学生可以积极表达自己的观点,进一步训练学生的写作,还可以实现分层教学的目的。 步骤 6: Homework Correct your composition according to what we learnt in class and hand it in after class.设计意图: 通过学生作文的反馈,指导老师下一步的教学。6.教学评价设计评价内容:1. 学生课堂上的参与度2. 学生课下交上来的作文 评价方法:1.过程评价2.结果评价4
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