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2008-2009学年第二学期小学英语四年级下册Unit 5单元测试题Class Name No Marks 听 力 部 分一、 根据录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画圆圈圈住。(10分)1、 2、 3、¥16¥90 A B A B A B4、 5、A B A B二、 根据录音内容,判断下面各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的在该图片下面的括号里打“”,不符的打“”(10分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 ¥88( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 根据录音内容,在句子的空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(每格一词)(10分)1、 is your sweater ? 2、This skirt is , but that one is .3、I want five and ten .4、Do you have a ball? No, my ball is .5、These are yuan.四、根据录音内容,给下列物品标出价钱。(10分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、(¥ ) (¥ ) (¥ ) (¥ ) (¥ )五、 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。(10分)( )1、A、Yes, I can . B、Sure, here you are. C、Yes, please. A sweater.( )2、A、Theyre seventy yuan. B、Its seventeen yuan. C、I want a shirt.( )3、A、Its cool. B、Its expensive. C、Its good.( )4、A、No, its not. B、Yes, its short. C、No, its too long. ( )5、A、Its fifteen yuan. B、Theyre forty yuan. C、Theyre black.六、听录音,判断下列说法是否正确,对“”,错的打“”。(10分)( )1、The dress is colourful.( )2、This shirt is good, but its too expensive.( )3、Theyre thirty-five yuan.( )4、ChenJie likes the skirt.( )5、I want 10 pencils, 7 sharpeners, and 12 rulers.笔 试 部 分七、根据图意,把句子补充完整。(10分) 1、The elephant is , but the mouse is . 2、How much are the ? eleven yuan.3、The and the are .(好的)4、This ruler is ,and that ruler is .八、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)。¥221.How much is the bag? 2.Are rabbits pants short? 3.What are they? ¥154.How much are the sandals? 5.Is it hot today? 九、从左边中选择答案回答右边的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。(10分)1、( ) How much are the slippers? A、Its twelve yuan.2、( ) Can I help you ? B、Yes, please.3、( )Are they cheap? C、 There are 12.4、( ) How many desks are there? D、No, they are too expensive.5、( ) How much is the T-shirt? E、Theyre 78 yuan.十、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(10分)Assistant: Can I help you, Miss White?Miss White: Yes. I want a pair of sandals, please.Assistant: What size?Miss White: Size nine.Assistant: How about this pair? They are black. They are good.Miss White: How much are they?Assistant: They are 60 yuan.Miss White: Oh. They are too expensive.Assistant: These brown sandals are cheaper. Theyre 30 yuan.Miss White: OK. I will take them.( )1、Miss White wants a pair of sneakers.( )2、The sandals are size nine.( )3、The black sandals are 60 yuan.( )4、The brown sandals are 60 yuan.( )5、Miss White takes the black sandals.
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