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昔阳县东关小学盟区教学设计科 目 English年级 six课型Revision主备人于海林单位东关小学 授课教师于海林单位 东关小学课 题Starter unit (part3、4、5)课时第2课时 评论或修改教学目标知识能力 1. Listen and read the words: weather, sunny, cloudy, windy and raining. 2. Listen, read and learn the phrases: look well, summer holiday, fruit trees, so beautiful, a plan for ., work hard(er) at ., do more .get on, get off, put on, take off . 3. Use the sentences: Whats the weather like? How is the weather? 以及熟练使用第三人称单数与动词的搭配。 过程方法 通过听说、对话,补全对话等活动形式巩固所学知识。 情感态度价值观 1. 积累听力技巧,学会用英语获取相关信息。 2. 培养学生的学习兴趣,让学生在生活中敢于用英语交流。 重点难点教学重点 1. The words: weather, sunny, cloudy, windy and raining. 2.The phrases: look well, summer holiday, fruit trees, so beautiful, a plan for ., work hard(er) at ., do more .get on, get off, put on, take off . 3.The sentences: Whats the weather like? How is the weather? 以及第三人称单数与动词的搭配教学难点 熟读与运用,第三人称单数与动词的搭配。教具学具 CAI, tape-recorder教学程序师 生 活 动评论或修改一、示标Step1 : Warming up Greetings:Hello boys and girls. Its good to see you again. Youre looking well. Welcome back! OK,this class well go on our study. 教师和学生一起通过对话,在轻松愉悦的氛围中,激发学生学习兴趣 学生在老师的引导下,说出所学的内容Listen and fill in the numbers学生按指令做动作,进入活动。然后将句中的词进行替换练习。二、探究Step2 : Presentation. 1) The teacher shows the pictures of these actions. Then revise these phrases. 2) Turn to page 4 and then see the 4 pictures carefully and match them. Check the answers. 3) Do the actions. 4) Look an part 4. See the four pictures carefully. 5) Listen to the tape and number the pictures. Check the answers. 6) Practise the dialogues then change roles. -Whats the weather like? -Its sunny. -How is the weather? -Its cloudy today. 7) Look at part 5a and read the short passage by themselves. 8) Fill in the missing words and read it again. 9) Listen to the tape and check the answers. 三、展示Step3:Practice1) Ask the pupils to read the passage in pairs. 2) Show and read the pictures and the passage. 3) Listen and read the passage by using different ways. Step IV. Consolidation Show more Exx. 选词填空 1. He often TV . A. watchs B. watches C. to watch 2. He wants to some sweets. A. buy B. buys C. buying 3. My best friend got some plans for Year 6 . A. have B. has C. having 4. -Whats the weather like? - . A. Its cloudy. B. It sunny. 四、延伸Step4 Consolidation I hope you can pay attention to the words. Such as watches、weather and so on.Step VI. Homework 1) Listen and read after the tape. 2) Read the passage loudly. Greetings. Look and answer, then match them. -Whats the weather like? -Its sunny. -How is the weather? -Its cloudy today. Say and write. Listen and correct. Make dialogues in pairs. Do Exx. 板书设计 Starter Unit Part3、4、5 -Whats the weather like? -Its sunny. -How is the weather? -Its cloudy today. 学情反馈优 秀良 好达 标待 达 标教学反思通过听说、对话,补全对话等活动形式巩固所学知识。积累听力技巧,学会用英语获取相关信息。培养学生的学习兴趣,让学生在生活中敢于用英语交流。
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