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The Second PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Target language.Writing practice.2Ability ObjectsListening skill.Inducting skill.Writing skill.Cooperating skill.3Moral ObjectKeep on one goal you will succeed at last.Teaching key Points1Key vocabulary2Target languageWhen was he born? He was born in 1895How long did Charles Osborne hiccup? When did he start hiccupping? When did he stop hiccupping?Teaching DifficultyTarget language.Teaching MethodsEliciting method.Listening method.Writing method.Speaking method.Pairwork.Teaching AidsA tape player.Pictures or photos.A projector.Teaching ProceduresStep Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step Yesterday we have talked about some exceptional people, sports, stars. We learned how to say their birthday. Today we are going to talk about another kind of exceptional people. Lets learn the words about them and see what they are.Show the words on the screen. Point to them and lead the students to learn them. Explain the meaning or usages of them if necessary.record n. 记录;(尤指运动中的)最高记录hiccup n. 打嗝 star, stop,sneeze n. 打喷嚏 first went, first hadsneezing, learned skaterhiccuppingchampion, greatStep 2aListen and fill in the “How long” column in the chart. (This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.) Show the picture and the chart on the screen:whoHas world record forHow longStartedStoppedCharles Smithhiccupping69 years and 5 monthsDonna GreensneezingPoint out the columns in the chart and read the column headings to the class.Then explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column.T: What does world record mean?S1 : Someone is the best.T: Correct. A person who has a world record for skating is the best skater in the world. And what do the words start and stop mean? Can someone stand up and show me start and stop?S2: (stands up and starts to walk) Start. (stops walking) Stop.T: Thats correct. (repeating the starting and stopping actions) Start. Stop.T: On the recording, you will hear a conversation about the two people on this chart. What are their names?S3 : Charles Smith and Donna Green.T: Correct. They are two unusual people.Look at the second column. What did Charles Smith do?Demonstrate, or ask students to demonstrate, what a hiccup is and what a sneeze is. Say, Mr. Smith has a world record for hiccupping and Ms. Green has a world record for sneezing.Now lets see how they got the world record.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Then say. Listen and look at the chart.Fill in the information/or each person under the column that says how long.Play the recording a second time. This time students write the words in the chart.Check the answers.Answers:Charles Smith: 69 years and 5 months Donna Green: 978 daysTapescript:Girl: Whos that?Boy: Charles Smith. He holds the world record for hiccupping. He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.Girl : When did he start hiccupping?Boy: He started hiccupping in 1922. Girl: And when did he stop?Boy: He stopped in 1990.Girl: How could he hiccup for that long?Boy: I dont know. Oh, look, this is Donna Green.Girl: Whats she famous for?Boy: Sneezing. She sneezed for 978 days.Girl: Really? When did she start sneezing?Boy: Lets see. It says she started sneezing on January 13 , 1981 , and she sneezed until September 16 ,1983.Girl : Wow! Thats a long time.Step 2bListen again and fill in the “Started” and “Stopped” columns in the chart above.(This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.) Keep showing the picture and the chart on the screen.Point to the Started and Stopped columns in the chart. Say, Listen again. This time fill in the information that says when each person started and stopped.Play the recording again. Students fill in their answers.Check the answers.Answers:Charles Smith: 1922, 1990Donna Green: January 13, 1981 , September 16,1983Step 2c PairworkFill in the blanks with information from the chart in Activity 2a. Practise the conversation with a partner. Then have the same kind of conversation about Donna Green.(This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.) Show the chart in Activity 2a on the screen again.Point to the chart and ask a student to read the information from his or her chart.Point out the fill-in lines in the conversation in Activity 2c. Say, This activity has three parts. First fill in the correct answers.Then practise the conversation about Charles Smith with a partner. Then make your own conversation about Donna Green.Read the example on the book:A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?B: He hiccupped for 69 years and _ months.A: When did he start hiccuppin
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