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红桥小学期末复习备课 四 年级 学科 英语 复习内容(课题):the first period授课日期: 周 节复习目标a. 复习一、二单元的字母和单词和句型能熟练听说读和四会单词的写。b. 复习一、二单元的听力。c. 复习一、二单元的课文能听说读并翻译。d. 做相应的练习。复习重点单词的拼读、听力、练习及课文的翻译。复习过程复习过程Step 1: OrganizationGreeting Step 2: Revision1. Revise the old letters and recite them.2. Open the book and read the words. (one by one)Do exercise and check them Eg. China chicken ( ) 1. cake Canada( ) 2. milk driver( ) 3. five six ( ) 4. ten pen ( ) 5. ten seven 3. Recite the wordsDo exercise and check them七_ fifteen _Step 1: OrganizationGreeting Step 2: Revision2. Revise the old letters and recite them.2. Open the book and read the words. (one by one)Do exercise and check them Eg. China chicken ( ) 1. cake Canada( ) 2. milk driver( ) 3. five six ( ) 4. ten pen ( ) 5. ten seven 4. Recite the wordsDo exercise and check them七_ fifteen _( )2、“我是12号” 用英语应该这样说:A. Im number twelve.B. Im twelve number.( )3、“我在四年一班” 用英语应该这样说:A. Im in Grade One ,Class Four.B. Im in Class One ,Grade Four.( )4、“我是中国天津人” 应该这样说:A. Im from China, Tianjin.B. Im from Tianjin ,China.选择填空。重点题型、拓展题型解析1. Where are you _?A. in B. on C. from3. Have _ fruit.A. any B. an C. some4. Whats your father? _a driver.A. Hes B. Shes5. Tom is _Class 1,Grade 3.A. in B. at C. on5.We _good friends.A. am B. is C. are6.Lets count from ten _twenty.A. to B. at C. In教学反思红桥小学期末复习备课 四 年级 学科 英语 复习内容(课题):the second period授课日期: 周 节复习目标a. 复习三、四单元的单词和句型能熟练听说读和四会单词的写。b. 复习三、四单元的听力。c. 复习三、四单元的课文能听说读并翻译。d. 做相应的练习。复习重点单词的拼读、听力、练习及课文的翻译。复习过程复习过程 Step 1: OrganizationGreeting Step 2: Revision1. Open the book and read the words. (one by one) 2. Recite the words3. Do exercise and check them1) Eg. 土豆 西红柿 风筝 衬 衣 snowy rainy cucumber carrot two watermelons 2) Eg. ( ) 1. cool good ( ) 2. potato tomato ( ) 3. orange doctor( ) 4. cold hot (and so on)3) Eg.看图填空:1.Can I have some _, please?2.I like _ and bears.3.Whats this in English?Its _ _.4.What class are you in? Im in Class _, Grade _.5.Is your father a policeman? _, he isnt.6.Do you like_?Yes, I do.4) Listen, read and translated the text. Eg.中英文连线1.Show me the apple. A.给我看看苹果。2.Lets go shopping .B.让我们去购物。 (and so on)5) Eg.排序和选择。 补全对话重点题型、拓展题型解析hot.( )Hows the weather today? F. Here you are.(and so on)(and so on) 翻译中文。1. Lets play with my kite. 2. Shall we go to the zoo? 3. Put on your T-shirt. 选择填空( ) 1. Its _today ,put on your coat.A. warm B. cold( )2. Can I have some _?A. juice B. apple( )3. Whats this _ English?A. in B. on C .is(and so on)用a /an填空_potato _apple _banana _English book(and so on)教学反思红桥小学期末复习备课 四 年级 学科 英语 复习内容(课题):the third period授课日期: 周 节复习目标a. 复习三、四会单词。四会能听、说、读、写;三会听、说、读,会翻译。b. 复习语音,能进行正确判断。复习重点单词及语音复习过程复习过程Step 1: Organization Greeting. Step 2: Revision1. Read the words and translated the words.2. Game. (进行单词竞猜)3. Read the words and spell the words.Step 3: Practice 1) fine2) doctor 3) windy 4) cool5) thin 6) farmer 7) blouse8) America 9) watermelon 10) class11) fat 12) trousers 13) jacket14) sunny 15) raincoat 16) green pepper17) socks 18) nurse 19) cold 20) teacher 21) cloudy 22) England23) postman 24) weather 25) Singapore26) student 27) kiwifruit 28) jeans29) friends 30) warm 31) lemon32) rainy 33) Canada 34) driver35) carrot 36) snowy 37) boy38) hot 39) eggplant 40) nice41) grade 42) twenty 43) girl44) thirteen 45) shoes 46) cucumber47) 长的 48) 二 49) 一50) 短裙 51) 苹果 52) 橘子53) 六 54) 幸福的 55) 高的56) 毛衣 57) 熊猫 58) 八59) 矮的 60) 四 61) 梨62) 香蕉 63) 衬衫 64) 土豆65) 三 66) 菠萝
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