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八年级英语单元形成性评价五(2012.10)Mid-term Revision 命题人:杨 丹I. 听力(20分) 听录音,选答语。念两遍。( )1. A. Good idea. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I am( )2. A. No, its poor. B. The same to you. C. Thank you.( )3. A. Nothing serious. B. Be quiet. C. All right.( )4.A. You cant miss it. B. Its the nearest bookstore. C. Sorry, you can ask the policeman.( )5. A. Not at all. B. No, thanks. C. Here you are. 听录音,选出意思最接近的句子。念两遍。( )6. A. Dont forget to check your bag before you leave. B. Dont forget to take your bag before you leave. C. Dont forget to buy a bag before you leave. ( )7. A. Press this button to turn on the machine. B. Press this button to turn off the machine. C. Press this button to run the machine. ( )8. A. I borrow his bike last week. B. He borrowed the bike from me last week. C. He bought a bike for me last week. ( )9. A. Mary has few friends so she often feels lonely. B. Mary has some friends so she doesnt feel lonely. C. Mary has few friends, but she doesnt feel lonely. ( )10. A. we didnt miss the bus. B. we didnt catch the bus. C. The bus left before we arrived. 听对话,回答问题。念两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第11、12题。( )11. Where is the woman going?A. To a shop. B. To a farm. C. To a factory.( )12. Why does the boy remind the woman to take a basket?A. The government asked theme to do so.B. They want to save some money.C. They want to protect the environment.听下面一段材料,回答第11、12题。( )13. What is the boy going to do on Sunday?A. Have a dance party.B. Have a birthday party.C. Have a tea party.( )14. Why is the girl going to London?A. To visit her grandpa.B. To go sightseeing.C. To visit her friends.( )15. Who will go with the girl?A. Her father. B. Her friends. C. Her parents. 听短文,做笔记。念两遍。NameAnnNationality 16 Age 17 years oldTelephone number 18 HobbiesListening to musicWatching TV 19 with friends on the Internet 20 II.选择填空。(25分)i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( )1.Young people should learn to save.A cost money B spend money C. use money D. keep money for later use( )2. She has made up her mind to study Japanese well.A. makes a decision B. learns by heart C. has put up her mind D. has decided( )3. Sam has got quite a few Chinese friends here. A. a small number of B. only a few C. not many D. not much( )4. Physics is hard, but it is very important.A. easy B. difficult C. hardly D. strong( )5. He was badly ill yesterday and missed the geography and history lesson. A. forgot B. wanted to attend C. failed to attend D. was present atii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 6. I waited there_ you called me.A. for B. until C. to D. in( ) 7. Talk it_ among yourselves. We will decide where_ at the next meeting.A. about; to go B. of; going C. over; to go D. with; will go( ) 8. You_ Mr. Li _a good detective.A. as good as, are B. as well as, are C. as better than, is D. best than, is( )9. Millie is _ girl. She is _.A. a 18-year-old; health B. an 18-year-old; healthy C. an 18 years old; healthyD. an 18-years-old; healthy( )10. _ she sings!A. What beautiful B. How beautiful C. What beautifully D. How beautifully( ) 11Tom _ a big business and he has _.A. own; million dollars B. owns; millions of dollarsC. owns; millions of dollar D. own; million of dollars( )12. All _ things need air. Without it, nothing can keep _.A. living; living B. living; alive C. alive; alive D. alive; living( )13. The box is too big. Could you show me a _ one.A. small B. smallest C. smaller D. more small( ) 14The bottle can hold _ orange juice. Yes, it is _ useful thing.A. any; an B. many; an C. much; a D. many; a( ) 15You can ask the police _ help. It is easy _ them to deal with such things.A. for; for B. to; of C. for; of D. as; for( ) 16You _ drink _ water to keep healthy.A. ought; much B. should to; many C. ought to; a lot D. should; much( )17.His home is one kilometer _ his school, so he goes to school _ foot.A. to; on B. from; on C. to; by D. from; by( )18.She is shy and is _ the other students in class.A. as active as B. not so active as C. more active than D. much active than( ) 19Tom works _ a manager in a big company. Yes, he is very rich. He bought a car _ two
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