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闽教版小学英语月份教学设计 漳浦县实验小学 赵小兰一、 概述本课的内容是闽教版小学英语第五册Unit 7 Months of the year Lesson 13,Part 1。新词汇有month、March、April、May、June。新句型是Whats your favorite month?March.和When is your birthday?Its in March.本课从生活实际出发,展开话题交际,提高学生综合语言运用能力。授课的对象是已具有一定自主学习和探究能力的城镇五年级小学生。二、 教学目标分析 本课重点呈现新单词和新句型,学生该如何运用这些语言点进行口语交际。根据学生现有的任知基础和本课在单元的地位和作用,确立的教学目标如下:1.知识与技能目标:能听、说、读、写这五个新单词。理解和掌握2个问句及答句并运用于日常生活交际。2.学习策略:通过师生说、生生说,自主交流体验式英语教学的一般过程与方法;感知领悟实践 3.情感目标:学生能积极参与、学会合作与交流;培养学生热爱大自然的积极情感。三、教学重点、难点:重点:听读5个新词汇和2个问句及答语。难点:新句型在生活中的运用。四、学习者特征分析1学生是城镇小学五年级的学生;2学生已经学习了birthday,Childrens Day, May Day和When is your birthday?等单词和句型;3学生思维活跃,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望得到同学和教师的赞许;4学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语的听读能力还有待加强;5学生对于PPT 的呈现形式感到很好奇。五、教学策略选择与设计 1激趣策略:通过chant韵句有利于形成宽松活泼的课堂氛围,激活学生已有词汇和句型,为下文做好铺垫。 2师生示范策略:教师通过和12个学生的口语交际,给全班同学的两两说话训练作示范,让学生清楚两两说话的内容和方式。 3自主听读策略:学生通过自主听读拓展材料,在完成课标要求的基础上训练听说能力,积累和丰富英语词汇和句式。六、教学资源与工具设计 1本课教材;2.拓展资源:闽教版教材五年级上册Unit 7,Lesson 13,Part 4. 3教学环境:多媒体、PPT、录音机、单词卡片。七、教学过程设计:Warming uprevision(5)1.Greetings.2.Read the rhyme about seasons with the students.The students follow the teacher while doing actions.(设计意图:韵句和活动设计能有效激发学生兴趣,激活学生已有词汇和句型,为下文做好铺垫。) Presentation(20)1.T:You did very well.How many months are there in spring?Can you tell you?Ss:Three.T:Right.Now we will learn some months of the year.(Then write“ Months of the Year”on the blackboard and teach the phrase.)T:Good.You know there are three months in spring.They are March,April,May.(write these months on the blackboard and teach them using pictures.Then practice them in different ways.)T:You are very clever.So who can tell me“ When is Womens Day”?S1:Its in March.T:Great. Womens Day is in March.On Womens Day you can say Happy Womens Day!or send some flowers to your mother.Also you can make a beautiful card for her.I want to know “What can you do in March?”S1:We can plant trees.S2:We can fly kites.T:Well,I think you can have a good time in March,April and May .You know May Day is in.S3:May Day is in May.T:Well done!Working people are great. 他们创造了世界。We must love our working people.And which holiday is in May,too?S4:Mothers Day.T:Excellent!I have another question:When is Childrens Day?S5:六月。T:Right. June. You like it?Is it your favorite month?S5:Yes.Its my favorite month.(Write June on the blackboard and teach this word.)T:Just now Xiao Ming said June is his favorite month.Lily,whats your favorite month?(Write down this sentence on the blackboard.)Lily:March.T:Why?Lily:Because my birthday is in March.T:Oh,I see.Jerry, whats your favorite month,can you tell me? Jerry:June.T:Why?Jerry:We can sing and dance on Childrens Day.T:Its a good holiday for you.But when is your birthday?Jerry:Its in April.T:Very good.Thank you.(Write the dialog on the blackboard and teach it.) Now boys and girls,“ Whats Sallys favorite month ?”and“ When is Chen Lings birthday?”,do you know ?Now listen to the tape and find out the answers.The teacher checks the answers.Then play the tape again,the students listen and repeat.(设计意图:以春天有3个月导入新词和句型教学并环环相扣;适时渗透文化教育和情感教育;让学生带着两个问题听音,回归课文,让学生在课堂上保持高度的注意力;新词和句型教学环环相扣,体现了学生“滚雪球”式的语言积累过程。) Practiceconsolidation(12)1. Pairwork.2. Play some games.3. Act out the dialog .4. Have the students talk with their classmates around them using the two questions to fill in the table like this:NameFavorite monthFavorite holidayBirthday (设计意图:以小组活动、游戏、角色表演、讨论等活动进行操练和巩固练习,并拓展到节日活动,加深对本课语言点的理解和掌握。) Homework(3)1. Ask your friends or your family members about months and holidays. Then fill in the form.2. Make some dialogs using the model in Part1.Act them out in next English class.(可选做。)(设计意图:把教材生活化,进行知识迁移的同时,让学生能学以致用,提高综合语言运用能力。)板书设计:Unit 7 Months of the YearLesson 13,Part1-Whats your favorite month?-March /April/ May/ June.-When is your birthday?-Its in March /April/ May/ June. Homework:NameFavorite monthFavorite holidayBirthday
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