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英语口语8000句:饮食与养生Iris: Mon and I got in another fight, Boris.我又和妈妈吵架了,鲍里斯. Boris: oh, Iris! what was it about this time? 哦!艾瑞斯,这次又是为了什么? I: it was over food. I simply wanted some fried chicken but she said no. 由于吃的,我不过想吃炸鸡,她都不让. B: I believe she was right. You must know that fried foods contain a lot of fat. 我觉得她没错,你也知道炸鸡脂肪含量太高. I: oh, she keeps saying that. She never allows me to have them. 哦,她老这么说,她从来不让我吃. B: I think you”d better take her advice since health is the greatest wealth. 我觉得你听她的.,由于安康是的财宝 I: But, Boris, i am not a baby any more. 可我又不是小孩子了,鲍里斯! B: well, that”s true. 嗯,这倒也是. I: how about your mother? 你妈妈呢? B: she also believes in healthy diet. And she requires us to have regular meals. 她也推崇安康饮食,而且她要求我们按时吃饭. I: poor you. It seems we are in the same boat. 你真可怜,看来我们是同病相怜呢. B: Oh, i am grateful for my mother on this point. her idea of healthy eating helps me a lot keeping fit. 噢,在这点上我还是很感谢我妈妈的.她对安康饮食的看法对我保持安康很有帮忙. I: really? so you don”t have fried food at all. 真的吗?那你从来不吃油炸食品? B: not really. I may have some occasionally for a chance. But I don”t indulge myself too much. 固然不是啦.我也会是不是吃点儿,换换口味.但是我不多吃. I: how do you manage it? 你是怎么做到的? B: it”s pretty simple, Iris. Just keep it in mind that“you”re what you eat.“ 其实很简洁,艾瑞斯,只要记住“人如其食“就行了. dialogue 2 I: Boris, look at this sentence.“Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of foods you love.“ It”s interesting, isn”t it? 鲍里斯,你听听这个句子:“安康的饮食不是指严格的养分哲学,不切实际的瘦身或是不吃自己爱吃的食物.“这听起来蛮有意思的. B: I”d rather say it”s confusing. what are those “strict nutrition philosophies“ about? 我倒不明白.什么叫做“严格的养分哲学“? I: I believe they are careful calculations on proteins, vitamins and calories. 我觉得是指认真计算蛋白质,维他命和卡路里. B: probably, Iris. That must be the job of nutritionists. 有道理,爱瑞斯.那都是养分学家该干的事. I: healthy eating ia not about depriving oneslf of the foods one loves. So we are free to have whatever foods we love. It is unbelievable. 安康的饮食不是指不吃自己爱吃的食物.那我们就能任凭吃自己爱吃的食物了吗?真是难以置信. B: oh, believe it or not, I came across an article the other day, saying that pizza is a healthy food. 哎,你知道吗,前几天,我还读到一篇文章说披萨也是安康食品. I: seriously? 真的吗? B: yes, I felt exactly the same way as you did just now. Scientists muct be crazy in saying so. 是啊,我当时的反映和你一样,觉得科学家都疯了. I: Maybe nowadays people hold different opinions on healthy diet. 或许现在人们对安康饮食的看法转变了. B: absolutely. I myself sometimes believe that healthy eating is just about feeling great. As long as I have enough energy, it”s fine. 是这样的.我有时候觉得吃得安康就是自己感觉好罢了.只要我精力充足,就可以了. I: but one must have some basic ideas about nutrition and find the best way for it to work out for the body.| 但是我们还是要知道一些根本的养分学问,使各种养分元素在我们的身体中发挥作用.
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