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短文填空专练 Unit 1 (A)Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going _1_ Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman was next to him, shouting for help. The bus drive, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus _2_ thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man _3_ a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the _4_. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait _5_ the next bus. But to his _6_, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man on the bus. _7_ to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man _8_ time. “Its said that many people dont want to help others _9_ they dont want any trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver didnt think _10_ himself. He only thought about saving a life.”1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7. _ 8._ 9. _10_ (B)When you feel worried or stressed out, everything _ (1) to go wrong at once. You cant remember what the teacher said in class. You often _ (2) with your parents. You may have problems sleeping, too. For example, you cant go to _ (3) at night and you still _ (4) tired when you wake up. If you are under too much _ (5), maybe its time to change your life a bit by doing something _ (6). Its important for you to learn to _ (7). You can listen to some quiet music. Reading a book is also a good _ (8) to relax. At last, I think you can take _ (9) in afterschool clubs and try some new hobbies or interests. You should also do more _ (10), study hard and make some new friends. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7. _ 8._ 9. _10_ Unit 2 (A) Students Who Volunteer Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours _1_ week to help others. Mario loves _2_ and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help _3_ to get his future dream job. “Its hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to _4_ for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction _5_ I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.” Mary is a _6_ lover. She could read by herself at the _7_ of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still _8_ there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are _9_ in the library, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others _10_ the same time.”1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7. _ 8._ 9. _10_ (B)Childrens schooling is changing very fast. In the past, teachers _1_ children sit in class. They let them remember _2_ kinds of things. And the children had to repeat things again and again_3_ that they can learn them by heart. For some children, they were at school only _4_ their parents made them do so. They usually got _5_ of the classroom as soon as the teacher let them _6_. Many children did parttime _7_ to make money to pay for the schooling. Today many teachers think it is _8_ to make children learn. They say they _9_ help children learn. Its better to help children know how to learn and how to _10_ out things by themselves. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8._ 9._ 10. _ Unit 3 (A)Last month, our dog welcomed me when I came home from_1_. He wanted a walk, but I was too tired. I threw down mybag and I went to the living room.The minuteI sat down in_2_ of the TV, my mom came over.“Could you please take the dog for a walk?” she _3_.“Could I watch one show first?” I asked.“ No!” she replied angrily. “You watch TV all the time andnever help out around the house! I cant work all _4_ and dohousework all evening.”“Well, I work all day at school, too! Im just as tired as you are!”I shouted back.My mom didnt say _5_ and walked away. For one week,she didnt do any housework and _6_ did I. Finally, I _7_find a clean dish and a tidy shirt.The next day, my mom came home from work to find thehouse clean _8_ tidy.“What happened?
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