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2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、 There are some flies (苍蝇) here. They will _ diseases.Let me kill them.AspreadBfindCinvent2、Its _ world of wonders , _world where anything can happen .Aa ; theBa ; aCthe ; aD/ ; /3、 Many foreigners attend the first China International Import Expo (中国国际进口博览会)in Shanghai.Yeah, Im really proud of China. _fantastic progress China has made these years!AHowBWhatCwhat a4、The match between Guangdong and Xinjiang in the CBA finals was really fantastic, _ when Yi Jianlian scored in the last minute.AprobablyBexactlyCspeciallyDespecially5、Peter is the man _ gave me a lot of help in America.AwhichBwhatCwhoDwhom6、Look! What a mess it is in your room!Sorry, I will_ my school things and tidy it right now.Aput upBput outCput awayDput off7、What do you think of the companys new ideas?I dont agree with _. But I have to say some of them are of value.AallBanythingCanyDnone8、I want to borrow the detective novel written by Agatha Christie,but I dont know how long it can _. For two weeks.Akeep Breturn Cbe kept Dbe returned9、Id like to know _ for the party.I have no idea.Awhy did she buy so little foodBwhat she has preparedCwhether will she danceDwhen is she leaving10、Mary with her parents to Hong Kong. Theyll stay there for two weeks.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone. 完形填空11、 Houdini was not only a magician but also a locksmith(开锁匠) with excellent skills. He boasted that he could escape from any 1 cell in the world in less than an hour, if he could go into the cell dressed in his street clothes. A small town in the British Isles built a new prison they were extremely proud of. They issued Houdini a challenge.“Come and give it a 2 ?” they said.Houdini loved the publicity and the money, so he accepted.By the time he arrived, the crowd was so excited. He rode 3 into town and walked into the cell. As the door was closed, he still felt full of confidence. Houdini 4 his coat and went to work.He secretly hid a flexible and tough 10-inch piece of steel which he used to work on the lock. He got it out and started his magic.At the end of 30 minutes, his 5 expression had disappeared. At the end of an hour he was all of a sweat. After two hours, Houdini collapsed against the door. The door just opened. Houdini was so 6 that tears almost fell, “What just happened? It 7 itself!” he cried. You see, it had never been locked-except in his own 8 -which meant that it was as firmly locked as if a thousand locksmiths had put their best locks on it. One little push and Houdini could have 9 opened the door but he never tried that. You dont get opportunities, you need to 10 . Many times a little extra push is all you need to open your opportunity door.1AtownBstreetCprisonDcountry2AchanceBhandChopeDtry3AproudlyBquietlyCsadlyDluckily4Atook outBtook offCtook awayDtook in5AexcitedBworriedCconfidentDfoolish6AfrightenedBrelaxedCdisappointedDsatisfied7AfellBlockedCopenedDbroke8AmindBeyesCbusinessDplace9AcarefullyBeasilyCheavilyDgreatly10AgiveBwantCkeepDmak. 语法填空12、V.阅读填空,在空白处填入适当的内容(填写1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Do you sometimes feel sad or worried? When youre feeling down, you may turn on some ice cream to eat even 1 youre already full. It means that you are experiencing emotional (情绪化的) eating. Emotional eating means that we are2 (use) the food to make yourself 3 (feel) better. In fact, it usually makes you feel much 4 (bad ) because you cant solve your problems, but youll feel sorry for overeating.Are you an emotional eater? Try to answer the following questions.5 your answers are “Yes”, you will be an emotional eater.Do you eat more when youre not 6 (success )?Do you eat to feel better when youre sad ,bored or worried?Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel that food is 7 a friend of you?Some scientists8 (study) the survey for two months. They have found that9 (eat) emotionally is bad for our health. In order to stop emotional eating, we should find other ways about how10 (encourage) ourselves when we feel down. 阅读理解A13、Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? Its true. Just ask science. The following types of friends are just what you need.A Loyal(忠诚的) Best Friend Everyone needs a loyal best friend who will support them no matter what happens . This is the kind of friend who knows all of your deepest and darkest secrets, but still loves you all the same. An Adventurous FriendWe live in a b
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