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The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好。编号gswhyybx4.006 文华高中高一英语必修4 Unit3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Using language 导学案 班级_ 组名_ 姓名_学习目标1.能对下列单词及短语达到五会要求:amuse,whisper,mess,react2.能读懂课文中的两个English jokes.学习重难点1. 单词:amuse,whisper,mess,react.学习方法自主学习,合作学习;略读,精读,背诵学习过程Step1.自主学习Ex1.阅读P22面课文,判断正()误().Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson were lying in theopen air.(). Doctor Watson understood Holmes at first. ( ). Watson tried 3 times to answer Holmes question.()Step2.合作探究语篇理解阅读P22面课文,选取最佳答案.In the second dialogue,the customer in fact means that _. A.he doesnt hear clearly what it is now B.he is not satisfied with the soup C.he doesnt hear clearly what the waiter says2. Why did Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson go to a mountainous area? A. Because they went to look at the beautiful sky. B. Because they went camping. C. Because they went there for treasures.3.From the story we can know that _. A. Sherlock Holmes was cleverer than Doctor Watson B. Doctor Watson was cleverer than Sherlock Holmes C. Doctor Watson thought in an ordinary way while Sherlock Holmes in a funny wayStep3.自主学习 学习语言点1amuse v使娱乐;使发笑The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek.孩子们玩捉迷藏来自娱自乐。归纳拓展amuse oneself with. 以.自娱amusing adj.有趣的;好笑的amused adj.愉快的;好玩的;开心的amusement n.欢乐;愉快;娱乐;消遣to onss amusement 令某人感到好笑的是We were all amused at his foolish behaviour.我们都为他的愚蠢行为感到好笑。To our amusement,his father watches cartoons for amusement.让我们感到有趣的的是,他爸爸看动画片消遣。即时应用Ex.3 用amuse 的适当形式填空1) The joke told by Tom was so _ that every one of us couldnt help laughing.2) Can you keep them _ while I do the shopping?3) To my _ ,the boy is wearing his fathers coat and shoes.4) We were all _ at what he said just now.2whisper vt& vi,耳语;密谈;低声说 n耳语;谣传Dont you know its rude to whisper?难道你不知道窃窃私语是不礼貌的吗? 归纳拓展1) whisper sth to sb 小声对某人说某事2) It is whispered that . 有人私下说.3) in a whisper =in whispers 耳语地;低声说It is whispered that our headmaster has been arrested.据传我们校长被逮捕了。They are talking in whispers.他们在悄悄地谈话。即使应用Ex.4 句型转换1) The two students were talking in a low voice while the teacher was giving lessons. The two students were_while the teacher was giving lessons.2) He told me a secret in whispers. He _ a secret_ me.3. mess n.脏乱;不整洁 vt.弄脏,弄乱 The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。 Be careful -youre messing my hair. 小心你把我头发弄乱了。归纳拓展in a mess 杂乱;陷入困境make a mess of 把.弄乱;使.团糟mess up 搞乱;弄乱The room is in a mess.I must clean it.房间里一片混乱,我必须打扫一下。The bad weather made a mess of the holiday.恶劣天气使假期一团糟。即时应用Ex.5Ive already told you never to _ my things.A. mess up B.put up C.clean up D.make up4. react vi.作出反应;回应 The eye reacts to light.眼睛对光会有反应。归纳拓展react to 对.作出反应react with 与.发生反应react against 回应反对.The chemist teacher shows us how iron reacts with air and water.化学老师像我们展示铁是如何与空气、水反应的。The government soon reacted against all the illegal strikes.政府很快做出回应反对所有这些非法罢工。即时应用Ex.6 介词填空1) They reacted strongly _ the unreasonable rules.2) At the news Mary reacted _ leaving the room without a word.3) The patient reacted badly _ this kind of medicine.4) How does this kind of matter react _ that one?Step4.当堂检测Ex.7阅读下列句子并从右栏找出划线部分的正确意思答案 句 子 意 思1. When I got home,the house was in a complete mess2. All she could do was to hope that she could sort out the mess.3. You dont have to whisper.No one can hear us.4. People began to whisper that the company might go out of business.5. He reacted angrily to the stories people had made about him.6. Quite a lot of children react badly to shellfish.7. This is my stamp collection that Ive gathered for ten years.8. All my stories have been put together in one collection.A. set of similar thingsB. behave in a certain wayC. untidinessD. become ill from eating particular food E. talk secretly especially when spreading rumours(谣言)F.problemG.several poems,stories, etc in a bookH.speak softlyStep5.课后反思 编号gswhyybx4.006 文华高中高一英语必修4 Unit3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Using language 导学案(教师版) 编制人 周德慧 审核人 高一英语组 编制时间2014年4月22日学习目标1.能对下列单词及短语达到五会要求:amuse,whisper,mess,react2.能读懂课文中的两个English jokes.学习重难点2. 单词:amuse,whisper,mess,react.学习方法自主学习,
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