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课题 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 6(Section B 2a-2e) 教学目标:1. 掌握新单词及词汇P-159-30.2. 掌握阅读中的句型P-30-2b,并弄清阅读大意.3. 谈论过去的喜好,谈论你的问题以及如何改变.教学重难点难点: 听懂谈论喜好变化的对话重点: 谈谈自己的变化教学过程:一. 学习新单词(P-159-30)1. 让学生跟着音标拼读,然后再跟着磁带读直到读会为之。2. 让学生记忆已学新单词(3-5分钟)二. 【合作探究】1. Read 2d and put the sentences a-din the correct the places .(p-31)2. Read the passage again and underline the problems that liwen used to have .(p-2c)三 重点词语释义1. do well in ,be good at 2. have difficulties in doing sth, 3.spend time in do sth,spend.on sth ,4.take care of sb=look after 4.look for job 5.felt lonely and unhappy 6.become less interested in sth 对.不感兴趣 7.be absent from classes/meeting 缺席上课8.make a desicion to do sth 做出决定干某事9.boarding school 寄宿学校10.make friends 交朋友11.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事12.in person 亲自13.take pride in=be pround of 以.自豪14.join the .team 加入.队四 【巩固提升】(2e)1. complete the passage with the proper forms of the words and phrases in the bos .2. Chek the answer together .五.小练笔 1. Martin is interested in _Chinese. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns2. Alice has _ 3000 dollars. My god, she is a millionaire.A. at most B. at least C. many3.Though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel for he has many things to do.A. alone; lonely B. lonely ; alone C. alone; alone4. They invited him to _.A. do speech B. give a speech C. giving a speech5. Dont smoke _ .A. in public B. on public C. with public 6.You didnt used to wear glasses, _ ? A.did you B. didnt you C. are you 教后反思
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