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本文档由由中国EEMBAA在线搜搜集整理理如需要了了解山东东大学EEMBAA项目信信息,欢迎访问问山东大大学EMMBA介介绍网站站htttp:/eembaa.ojjeduu.orrg/ssdu_embba.sshtmml报名须知知一、为了了使您的的报名有有效,请请在截止止日期之之前提交交所需材材料。我我们郑重重承诺将将对您的的个人信信息严格格保密。提交的的材料应应包括:1报名名表报名表需需由本人人认真填填写所有有栏目,务必工工整书写写。您的的报名表表将被学学校留档档,请您您自行复复印留底底。2. 学学历证明明请提交所所有学历历、学位位证书复复印件及及大学成成绩单复复印件(加盖教教务部门门公章)各两份份。3. 两两封推荐荐信推荐人必必须充分分了解申申请人的的个人情情况、教教育背景景和工作作业绩。推荐人人之一建建议由申申请人的的直接领领导担任任,另一一位可以以是同业业中的权权威人士士。推荐荐信必须须由推荐荐人本人人用所附附空白推推荐表填填写,否则推推荐无效效。4. 其其他附件件八张一寸寸近照(请在背背面署名名),其其中三张张按要求求贴在报报名表和和资格审审查表上上。请在报名名表规定定处贴一一张名片片,并在在报名表表内附一一张名片片。请在报名名表规定定处贴上上清晰的的身份证证复印件件。二、 报报名截止止日期请请参见当当期招生生简章。在收到到申请人人的报名名表后,我们将将进行初初审,以以确定参参加笔试试、面试试的人选选。请申申请人在在寄回报报名表后后注意查查收考试试通知。三、申请请人声明明 本人郑重声明我提供的所有个人信息皆准确和完整,我同意在需要的情况下提交原件以确认我的报名资格。报考程序规定的个人论述及自命题论文均由我本人完成。由于报名材料中的虚假、错误信息或重大遗漏而导致不被录取或取消学籍,后果由我个人承担。我理解并同意山东大学关于所有EMBA申请人报名材料归学校所有、不予退回的规定。申请人签名: 日期: . PPleaase finnishh alll tthe infformmatiion reqquirred in thee apppliicattionn foorm befforee thhe ddeaddlinne, whiich shoouldd bee trreatted as strricttly connfiddenttiall.1. Appllicaatioon FFormmPleaase filll iin eeverry iitemm inn neeat lettterr annd ssavee a coppy bbefoore youu seend thee apppliicattionn foorm bacck.2. Cleaar ccopyy off coolleege deggreee orr diiplooma cerrtifficaateTwo cleear coppiess off coolleege deggreee orr diiplooma cerrtifficaate andd thhe ccopyy off seealeed ooffiiciaal ccolllegee trransscriipt aree neecesssarry.3. Two Reccommmenddatiion LettterrsPleaase subbmitt twwo llettterss off reecommmenndattionn wrrittten by inddiviiduaals whoo haave obsservved youur aabillitiies andd peersoonallitiies in a pproffesssionnal or acaademmic envviroonmeent. Onne oof tthemm shhoulld bbe yyourr cuurreent immmediiatee suuperrvissor. Thhe ootheer mmustt bee ann auuthoorittatiive figguree inn thhe ssamee inndusstryy whho kknowws tthe apppliccantt weell. Thhe llettterss off reecommmenndattionn arre vvaliid oonlyy whhen theey aare wriitteen aand siggnedd byy thhe rrecoommeendeers theemseelvees.4. Otheers Fivee 1-incch rreceent phootoss beeariing thee naame of thee apppliicannt oon tthe bacck, witth tthreee ppastted on thee foorm as reqquirred.Pleaase passte onee buusinnesss caard on thee foorm andd enncloose anootheer oone in it.Pleaase passte onee cllearr coopy of youur IID ccardd. TThe deaadliine forr apppliicattionn caan bbe ffounnd iin rrecrruittmennt bbookklett. CCanddidaatess whho hhavee paasseed tthe preelimminaary cheeckuup aare to be inttervviewwed. Plleasse bbe nnoteed tto cchecck oour advvicee affterr apppliicattionn foorm hadd beeen maiiledd. DDecllaraatioon Declaration by applicant:I hereby declare that all the information given in this application, including required attachments and supporting documents, is to the best of my knowledge, truthful, accurate and complete; and I agree to provide original documents/certificate(s) for verification when required. I further certify that all essays are entirely and exclusively my own work and that no documents have been falsified. I am aware that any misrepresentation or omission of material in my application will result in the denial of application or the cancellation of student status.I understand that materials received by Shandong University in connection with this application become the property of Shandong University, as such, no materials submitted can be returned. Signature: Date: ShanndonngUnniveersiity EMBBA PProggramm山东大学学高级管管理人员员工商管管理硕士士请贴一寸彩色近照Please attachone 1-inchrecent photo请贴一张名片(反面)Please attach one business card(back)请贴一张名片(正面)Please attach one business card(front)请贴上清晰的有效身份证件复印件Please attach a clear copy of your ID card个人信息息 Peersoonall Daata1.姓名名:英文名名(如果果有)NameeEngglissh nnamee2.性别别:男女民族:政治面面貌:Gendder Malle Femmalee Etthniic GGrouupPaartyy3.出生生日期:Datee off Biirthh (ddd/mmm/yyy) 身份证号号(或护照照号等):Perssonaal IID NNumbber4.婚姻姻状况:未婚已婚Mariitall Sttatuus:Sinnglee Marrrieed5.国籍籍: 籍贯贯(或出出生地):Natiionaalitty Plaace of Birrth6.通讯讯信息Conttactt Innforrmattionn通讯地址址:省市邮编Conttactt AdddreessPProvvincce CCityy Ziip ccodee电话:传传真:电电子邮件件:手机机:TeleephooneFFaxEE-MaailMMobiile常住地址址:省市邮编Permmaneent AdddresssPrroviinceeCittyZiip ccodee电话:传传真:电电子邮件件:手机机:TeleephooneFFaxEE-MaailMMobiile紧急联系系人Inn caase of emeergeencyy, pleeasee coontaact:姓名:(先生/女士)电话: 手机:Namee(Siir/Maddam)TeelMoobille7.家庭庭信息Famiily Infformmatiion家庭成员员Famiily Memmberr关系Relaatioonshhip工作单位位Currrentt Emmplooyerr职务Posiitioon联系方式式(手机机)Conttactt Nuumbeer工作经历历 WWorkk Exxperriennce1.全职职工经验验:年 零月月
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