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2011年中考模拟题(一)第一部分 选择题(60分).选择填空 (15分)从下列每小题的A/B/C/D四个选项中选出最佳选项(每小题1分,共15小题。)( ) 1.-My plan is to go to a dancing party this evening. What about _ ? -_ plan? Oh, I have to do the housework !A.yours, Me B.you, My C.your, Mine D.yours, My( ) 2.-What are you going to do _ weekends? -I want to visit my grandparents _ bus. A.in, with B.by, on C.on , by D.at, in ( ) 3.-I have five penfriends. One of them is an _ boy. -Well, I _ have a penfriend. I dont like to communicate with strange people.A.eighteen-years-old, hard B.eighteen-year-oldC.sixteen-year-olds, hard D.sixteen-year-old, hardly( ) 4.-Which do you like _, running or skating? -_ of them, I like swimming. A.better, Neither B.well, Both C.more, All D.much, Either( ) 5.-Jays performance is _ in the film Green Hornet !He is really a super star! A.amazed, interested B.amazing, interesting C.amazed , interesting D.amazing, interested( ) 6.-Millies voice _ so beautiful. -Quite right. He is my favourite _.A.hears, singer B.sounds, singer C.listens, worker D.listens to, worker.( ) 7.-Youve been to Jiuzhaigou, _ ? -Yes, _ beautiful the view there is! A.do you , How B.dont you, What C.arent you, What D.havent you, How( ) 8.-_ will you buy for your mum for her birthday? -I want to buy some flowers. But I dont know _ my mother likes them.A.How , that B.Where,why C.When, how D.What, whether( ) 9.-Mr Bird, _ I finish the picture today? -No, you neednt finish it _ you are very tired now. A.can, though B.should, though C.may, since D.must, since ( ) 10.-Doctor Wang, I think Im _ to go back to work. -I dont think so. You should stay in bed for _ two days. A.so well, more B.so good, other C.well enough, another D.good enough, others( ) 11.-Is _ OK, Lisa? -Just so so. I hope my English can become _ maths.A.everything, as good as, B.something, better than C.anything, so good as D.nothing, better than( ) 12 .-We all think the price of the coat is too _ . -_ please think about its wonderful design. A.low, So B.high, But C.expensive, Because D.cheap, Though( ) 13.-Simon, tell your father that he _ on the phone. -Sorry, he _ to work.A.wants, has gone B.is wanted, goes C.is wanted, has gone D.wants, will go ( ) 14.-Mike doesnt look well these days, does he ? -_ . He has a bad stomachache, but he keeps _ going to see a doctor. A.No, he doesnt , putting off B.Yes, he does, getting off C.No, he does, setting off D.Yes, he doesnt , taking off( ) 15.-Im not sure whether Sam _ a nice trip. -Dont worry !He will write to us as soon as he _ in Toronto. A.will have , arrives B.has,is arriving C.would have , will arrive D.have , arrived.完形填空 (10分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分) A traffic policeman was at work one night,watching a 35 mph zong(区). Then he saw a car coming extremely fast. He clocked the _ 16 moving vehicle at 87 mph ! At once , the _17 had the car stopped on the side of the road. Expecting trouble with such a careless speeder(超过驾驶者),the policeman went close 18 .To his surprise, the drive was a little old lady, only just 19 enough to see over the steering wheel(方向盘)。 “Maam”, the policeman said,”do you know how fast you were driving?” “I believe that I was only 20 at a speed of 90 mph or so,” the old lady answered calmly,looking carefully at him through her glasses, “What seems to be the 21 ”? The policeman answered in surprise. “This is a 35 mph zone ! Thats the problem. Did nt you see the 22 ? “Sure”,the old lady replied. ”Thats 23 Im driving so fast.I m just trying to 24 its instrutions”“What sign are you _25 Maam?” the policeman asked. Smilling up at the policeman, the old lady said,”It says, “Speed Zone Ahead”( ) 16.A.slow B.old C.fast D.little ( ) 17.A.policeman B.lady C.worker D.driver ( ) 18.A.happily B.carefully C.excitedly D.sadly( ) 19.A.weak B.strong C.short D.tall( ) 20.A.walking B.seeing C.driving D.expecting ( ) 21.A.problem B.reason C.officer D.question( ) 22.A.zone B.night
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