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信念家教八年级下第六,九单元特别训练( )1. May _ the book for two weeks. A. borrowed B. lent C. kept D. bought( )2. We havent seen the film_. A. already B. ever C. yet D. since( )3. Mary isnt here. She has _ the shop. A. been to B. went to C. gone to D. /( )4. -I have never heard of the news. -_ . A. So do I B. So have I C. Neither have I D. Either do I( )5. She _ supper since six thirty. A. has B . had C. has had D. doesnt have( )6. _ you ever studied with over 3 friends? A. Will B. Have C. Are D. Do( )7. Has Mary _ what she would do? A. decide B. decided C. decision D. decides( )8. Its good to see foxes because they are _ during the night, and we can see them walking. A. awake B. alone C. asleep D.wake( )9. How long has he been _ for you? A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. wrote( )10. They have _ school for one year. A. be away from B. been away from C. left D. been leaving( )11. Mr He died last year. He _for several months already. A. has been dying B. has died C. has been dead D. died( )12. He bought a bike last year. He has had the bike _. A. since a year B. for one year ago C. since a year ago D. for one -year一、根据首字母完成单词使句子意思完整, 通顺 (10分)1. Have you ever b_ to a museum?2. They have p_ seen the movie. Its so interesting.3. I hope that they will have a w_ time in the amusement park.4. In the last twenty years great c_ have taken place in Chongqing.5. I d_ that the most exciting thing in the holiday is traveling.6. After she g_ from the university, she became a flight a_7. He has been a tour g_for a lot of years.8. Chinese students are interested in European c_9. Many people , e_ young people like American ovies.二、用所给的正确形式填空 (10分) 1. He _ ever _ (be) to the History Museum several times.2. - _ you ever _ (be) to the zoo?- Yes. I _(go) there last summer. I _ (see) many kinds of animals there.3. - Where is Mr. Wang?- He _(go) to the library. He wants to borrow some library books.4. Rodgers _(plant) those trees. He _ (do) it the day before yesterday.5. We _(learn) English for more than two years.6. When he _(finish) his work, he _(ring) me up. 1.I_(feel)very tired now because I_(skate)for more than five hours.2.-When_your brother_(begin)to learn skate? -When he_(be)seven years old.-How long_he_(skate)ever since then? -For over seven years.3.Look!The students _(skate)_(raise)money for charity.Some of them _(skate)for more than half a day.4.The boy_(name)Sun Lei has already finished _(write)his composition.He _(hand)in his exercise-book in a moment.5.It took me two hours and a half _(think)of a good way_(deal)with the problem.6.My teacher,Mr Wu,_(teach)English for more than 25years,but he_(teach)English for ten more years before he retires.7.-Young people need_(see)the difficult things in the world8.Id like _(eat)out.Do you feel like _(go)with me?9.When I_(go)into the classroom,the students_(read)English aloud.10.Before I_(have)time to jump into the river,the torrent(激流)_(wash)the child away.11.The_between China and Britain in the way of eating is really great.(different)12.China is an eastern country while Britain belong to_countries.(west)13.You cant judge others b y their _.(appear)14.We share the same food.We dont eat _.(separate)15.After eating_food,you will find they share all the dishes.(China)16.The _of these stamps will come here to discuss their value(collect)17.Jacks hobby is _(teach)match boxes.So far he_(collect)more than two hundred match boxes.18.Thank you very much for_(teach)how to sing this wonderful song.19.Im really tired because I_(clean)the house ever since this morning.20.Mr Smith would love _(give)a speech about how_(collect)snow globes21.I_(write)in English ever since I _(come)to live in England.22.What he_(say)just now made me_(think)about the differences between the two countries in food cultures.23.In Enland,your food_(bring)to you on your own place,so_(order)the wrong food can be a problem.24.Do you think its polite_(eat)from each others plate in Britain?25.Shes been _for two hours.(swim)26.Th
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