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六下英语Unit2Whatsthematter,Mike?第一课时授课日期:2010 年 3 月 12日 星期 五 第 1 教案课 题Unit 2 A Lets learn Lets do教学目标1. Be able to listen, say, read and write the words: have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, have a headache, hurt, have a sore throat.2、Be able to read the sentences: Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick, I have a fever.3. Be able to ask the others health condition.4. Be able to understand and read Lets chant.教学重点1. Listen, say, read and write the words: have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, have a headache, hurt, have a sore throat.2. Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick, I have a fever.教学难点1. Ask the others health condition.教学准备Word cards and a recorder, a band aid创可贴课时数1课时教学过程Step 1. Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you?2. Lets chant.Whats your father? Whats your father?Hes a doctor. Hes a doctor.Whats your mother? Whats your mother?Shes a teacher. Shes a teacher.Step 2. Presentation/PracticeLets learn1. T: There are many teachers in the school. In the hospital, there are many .S: In the hospital, there are many doctors.T: If you feel sick, you can go to the hospital and see a doctor. Look! This is a thermometer. It you have a fever, it will tell you. Mick is sick now. Lets see. Whats the matter with him?(教师出示简笔画体温计)S read the word: have a fever, and spell the word.2. Lead in the other words:have a headache,(做头痛状),headache=head + achehurt,(出示创可贴)have a sore throat.(咳嗽,声音沙哑)sore-more, throat-boat.have a cold,(打喷嚏)have a toothache,(捂住腮帮,做牙痛状)toothache=tooth +ache3. T/S summarize the same point in headache and toothache.4. Make a chant.(Intonation: T: Fever, fever, who has a fever?Ss: Fever, fever, I have a fever. )T: Fever, fever, who has a fever?Ss: Fever, fever, I have a fever.T: Toothache, toothache, who has a toothache?S: Toothache, toothache, I have a toothache.T: Headache, headache, who has a headache?S: Headache, headache, I have a headache.T: Cold, cold, who has a cold?S: Cold, cold, I have a cold.T: Sore throat, sore throat, who has a sore throat?S: Sore throat, sore throat, I have a sore throat.5. Listen to tape and imitate.Pair work, S read the new words.6. Act and guess.SA act a patient (病人),S guess.T: Whats the matter?S: .have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, have a headache, hurt, have a sore throat.7. After the game, T lead in the sentences:Whats the matter?I feel sick. I have a fever. /I have a .My leg hurts/ I hurt my leg.T-SA, ask and answer, then Ss pair work.Step 3. Consolidation/ExtensionLets play.1.S read the sentences and act in role.2. Lets chant.1.温故知新2.引入doctor-see a doctor.1.2.简笔画,肢体语言引入新词have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, have a headache, hurt, have a sore throat.3.归类帮助学生记忆单词,渗透构词法4.节奏鲜明,可说可演,比枯燥读单词更有趣5.生听录音,读单词6.直接回答,避免人称转化,主要还是巩固本课的词汇。7.简洁的板书可以帮学生梳理知识。板书设计Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike?A Lets learnWhats your father? Whats your father?Hes a doctor. Hes a doctor.Whats your mother? Whats your mother?Shes a teacher. Shes a teacher. (chant 写在右角上)Whats the matter?I feel sick. I have a fever. /I have a .My leg hurts/ I hurt my leg.作业布置1. Read the textbook. three times.2. Listen to tape twice.3. Finish the exercises book.4. Recite the four-skilled words.5.Preview Lets talk教学反思教前反思:虽然这课还没有上,但是备好了课,却总觉得少了点什么,说不上来。是单词教学的情境创设不对,还是对学生学情的分析。或者拓展延伸的内容太少,好像都有点。
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