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人教版英语精品资料Section_Warming Up & Reading PrereadingWith the development of science and technology, there are different kinds of robots for children to play with. But do you know who invent the robots and how they invent them?Please read the following passage to get the answers.Dogs, cats, action figures, dinosaurs, and dolls! These are just some of the new wave of toys that walk, talk, do tricks, and remember things. Some even know your voice, learn new words, or remind you its your friends birthday. What makes the animal walk? Where did it learn to roll over? How does it know enough not to run into the wall or walk off the table? And, how can it possibly go from a sad mood to a happy one?It all starts in the inventors imagination. Thinking of what would be fun and how it would look means that the inventor has to be creative like an artist. And, maybe a little like a kid, too! She does some drawings, looks at how other toys work, and decides what parts she needs. Then, she starts building a model called a prototype (原型). The prototype is the starting point for testing and improving the design. Robotic toys are complicated, though.Knowing how things work, putting it all together, and getting the toy to act like the real thing mean being a bit of an engineer. Even the best inventor needs a lot of help. Her team probably includes a designer to work on how the toy will look; some programmers to put in memory, moods, and personality; and somebody else to figure out what it will cost. She might even need to work with a puppeteer (拉线木偶表演者) to make the movements look natural.What does it take to be a robotic toy inventor? Theres no specific requirement, but you should like solving problems. You should be good at math and comfortable with computer. Many toy inventors have college degrees in some type of engineering, such as product design, mechanical engineering, or electronics. Others have studied fine arts or psychology.What can you do now to be a robotic toy inventor? To get started and to see if you would like inventing, let your mind run free dream something up, draw it, and think of how it would work. In school, courses like biology, physics, art, and math can put you on the road to invention. Work on your computer skills, especially graphics. And remember that inventing takes teamwork. So, get involved in science projects or other activities in which you work with others.Warming UpLook at the pictures and answer the following questions.(1)Whats a robot?A_robot_is_a_machine_designed_to_do_jobs_that_are_usually_performed_by_humans.(2)What does a robot look like?They_may_take_various_shapes_and_serve_different_functions.(3)Do you know how a robot works?Robots_are_programmed_and_controlled_by_a_computer.Fast Reading1Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it.The text tells us the story that a robot called Tony not only helped Claire do her housework,_but also helped her create a new image,_which made Claire fall in love with Tony.2Read the text and then match the main idea with each paragraph.Paragraph 1ATony made Claire feel embarrassed.Paragraph 2 BTony helped Claire in improving herself and her house.Paragraph 3 CClaire was going to test out a household robot.Paragraph 4 DClaire began to trust Tony.Paragraph 5 ETony promised and prepared to help Claire.Paragraph 6 FClaire first saw the robot Tony.Paragraph 7 GClaire was envied by those women she admired.Paragraph 8 HTony made a plan to help Claire to attract Gladys and her friends.Paragraph 9 IThe company was satisfied with Tonys report.Paragraph 10 JTony caught Claire when she fell off a ladder.Paragraph 11 KClaires friends saw Claire and Tony were together.Paragraph 12 LClaire felt disappointed and sad that Tony was just a machine.答案:Paragraph 16CFADEBParagraph 712HJKGLICareful Reading1Read the text and then choose the best answers.(1)Larry brought a robot home to _.Amake his wife happyBtest out the robotCsend his wife a giftDfree his wife from work(2)Why did Claire feel alarmed when she saw the robot?ABecause the robot was in fact not a machine.BBecause she didnt like him.CBecause she had seen the robot before.DBecause the robot was more like a human being than a machine.(3)Who did Claire turn to for help when the clerk at the counter was rude to her?AHer husband.BGladys Claffern.CTony, the robot.DThe manager of the shop.(4)At the party, Claire was envied by all the women present because _.Ashe had a very handsome loverBshe was more beautiful than beforeCshe had become very richDshe had such a clever robot(5)Which of the following is NOT Tonys characteristic?AClumsy.BHandsome.CHelpful. DSmart.答案:(1)(5)BDCAA2Read the text carefully and fill in the form.Characteristicsof Tonytall and handsomehis (1)facial_expressio
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