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Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section B Maybe you should learn to relax! 白果中学 成 静一、Analysis of the teaching material1.Teaching Aims.1.Knowledge Objects(1) Function:Learn to talk about problems and give advice.(2)Key Vocabulary:opinion,skill,typical,football,continue,compare,crazy,push,development,cause.(3)Structure:Giving advice by using “should” and “shouldnt”2. Ability Objects.(1)Enable students to talk about their problems and find out someways to solve their problems.(2)Learn to use the context to help guess the meaning of words and improve ss reading skills.3.Moral Object:Learn to relax and plan things for themselves.二.Teaching Key Points(1). Learn and master some words and phrases. (2) To develop reading skills .三.Teaching Difficulty PointsLearn how to guess the meaning of words by the context and learn to talk about their problems and find out some ways to solve their problems.四. Teaching Methods: The“task-based” teaching method and reading method.五. Teaching procedures:Teaching procedures: Steps Activities PurposeStep one:Greeting and revisionGreet the class as usual.Translate some phrases into EnglishReview what students have learned before. Step two: Pre-reading Let students discuss two questionsMake students pay attention to the topic Step three: While- readingThere are three tasks for the Ss.1. Skimming : students read the article as quickly as they can and try to get the general idea. And match the sentences with the speakers.2. Scanning for the specific information.A.Read the article .Circle T for true or F for false.B.Read the passage and answer questions.C.Guess the meaning of words by contextThe three tasks are aim to develop students reading ability. Skimming for the main idea of the article, and scanning for the specific information. Then get a deep understanding of the article.Step four: After-reading 1. Summarize:According to the article and complete the short passage. The short passage is made up from the article, and the answers are the language points in this lesson. Then check the answers, 2.Listen and circle the new phrases.This activity help students summary the language points .and consolidate the key points.Step five: HomeworkDo exercises on the paper.The homework can help the students to consolidate language points .Blackboard Design: Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B Maybe you should learn to relax!learn exam skills compete with. a typical American family cut out continue to do/doing sth be always doing sth compare.with. push.so harda kids development think for oneself
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