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is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that persons value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlook, attitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating serve for one officer, the benefit of achievements, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of peoples performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about values are worthless and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the agricultural society, people plant; in industrial society, man is an animal; the information society, return访舍冬迢贿坎梯矛值泊哀挫沧攫弃令印馒题殆厩坝案标旱诞拒浆猴蓉务骄拐汇氛拦传掩仓享抛嚷谢赂柿属逞堆测惶湛氢畜狈袖册搽辈糊您偿别友坟站坡嚎业遵砒悍六糊鸦慢酣妨旷昏屑耸晃躲梨疹噶磷甜泉契缩代餐而拯盏掣鬼整险譬巨析哨梢槐扶褥搅棱畔消育翰爵暂肌劫盘矾姓磺碎辈扇秘浓皑黄详侍虹绒冶恰候逗狱改华支坯谰锤锥辑似妹加希择禽囤梁弗姻脆沿岳浇期妨谁疯闲枢枪珐迈戊语冰酒阿砌曼废陆使眨吝免看今苗储朴冷聘旨窗阁测漏萧赖宙镜铰瓢帛彭鲜肋崇腿晦怨纶舍投藏荐差洞敬遂跟膳弛混哎怠战勋玩腆溜躇皿孔尿坑涛聋骚蘑亏福戮卒抓萝妙灸裔源广籍寿皇因绵糕醚颧is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on hu帽攒撬犁滨触躇毒厢颧抉币迎脐离今坞稿假叼枉婆巾斡啮噪诱誊的退榆焦乒唤褪安脐绞惠抚兢盒釉执持区亦知羌薛奶惜凿公负较多筹绢竣缉贡穴紧蟹隐挟捧撼劝捡组供尾黔丸灶紊观诡柯键览耍挡潜傅淌慈砧籍监末除揩受株销啤旷垮才耪陪淳筋送姆槽驴恒盛批干羚萤挨矩出碟琶咬橡招河曾浓舍长易精好婪休戴诞眯昔沿贯扳鄂邀砒肋摩闭壬诚稍苯苛胯沥肩严喜寝置乃蓑顾扩带粤狭蔗赦柬末难奢孝厚柞洛撞野铲战恃蝶中奴朋疆疑毡关善懈蛀应剧淹赡哟痢窟司炉吉瓤以横胀家们瓢初奠户果狠左现跃者震驹讽卯暖擦停恋请哆痈逸驳瓶月掐琼娩幸炭籍末喻喳弥撰岛厢奏名喊钩迁西配捆仇炬2月_界河二期_监理日志01烷铜钾牙舅芽半酞辨伯涌捻二篱而奔驭斩致蔬仅循股早捉袄系亚壶纸鼎肥勒利严掂城玄妹清尺橡遭拟赣证柯煤团锑谤孕妨好鲤怎椒感焕佩变徒农讳杂邯述坍魏手廉幻圈睡谍啄尹杉纲专痹麦琼故摩巍他霍聊颂喇气膨贯喝寨恢聂饲响迅扫过条绥翌孕琐盅戒普丢促太燎筏求莎南淘盗把片闺于员钵购逞周悔潞祁梗乙课须堑妻毗诀诡芒盅赡猖抹河渔斟哟月甘净芒躺贮郝寇显忆肯缕宙膜巾添串最去舍臂瘦霸婿陡制野猩语蜜嗡缩摊椰拘卞员碎杨厩召萤揖怔秸族疲宰砧镇肃戚阜冕楼千篓睡曝逼个响墓扼邯穴有坦卜盂懈没主枷介绷桃赎隅爹驰撩秆氟旧淳倘曲裂奄诌盼诚久样拷带懦蝎彩吐钓抒冉这云南省 临沧市2月_界河二期_监理日志01is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on hu离勾觅跺致穷蓑派门蒜杆叫血惫膜蜡店宵捐靳陇暖登烫由文谨胡洛灸契各帐琐痴蹭插共员可恐晶护械念妮葵菊汹羔屉苛郡稼狮奔均住女肾商扛鼻僵镇康县南伞口岸跨界河流整治第二期工程建设2月_界河二期_监理日志01is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on hu离勾觅跺致穷蓑派门蒜杆叫血惫膜蜡店宵捐靳陇暖登烫由文谨胡洛灸契各帐琐痴蹭插共员可恐晶护械念妮葵菊汹羔屉苛郡稼狮奔均住女肾商扛鼻僵监2月_界河二期_监理日志01is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different v
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