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人教PEP版三年级下册英语连词成句专项积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 连词成句。1eyes, make, your, big, (.)2has, ears, it, small, (.)3its, wow, tall, (!), so, (!)4a, I, long, have, pencil, (.)5boy, short, the, legs, has, (.)2. your, new, this, kite, Is (?)3. your head Pointandtoyour ear (只填序号)_.4. sister, is, Su Yang, this, my (, .)5. name Whats your (?)6. am , I , ten (.)7. 连词成句。1go, the, lets, to, zoo (.)2pig, is, the, fat (.)3short, the, ruler, is (.)4that, who, is, woman (?)5many, how, eggs (?)8. school have what today you at do ( ? )9. Mike, is, he, his, friend, my, is, name (. .)10. Danny, name, my, is (.)11. black got sweater have a I ( . )12. his this is mother (.)13. a, She, is, nurse (.)14. pen, is, my, this (?)15. doorthePointto (只填序号)_.16. myisheadThis (只写序号)_.17. body, shake, your(.)18. from, are, you, Canada (?)19. yourisWhatmouthcolour(?)20. was,born,I,on,June,1st(.)21. that woman Who is ?22. Mr. Green, are, afternoon, good, you (, ?)23. his is head This24. is, What, skirt, colour, this (?)25. seeIred. (只填序号)_26. three, have, I, rulers (.)27. we,in,the,park,will see,a,wide,river,(.)(连词成句)28. This, new, my, is, skateboard, (.)29. picture, in, there, many, monkeys, how, are, the(?)30. 连词成句。1you, this, for, gift, is (.)2old, you, How, are (?)3ten, I, years, am, old (.)31. are, ten, you (.)32. USA the am I from33. name MyAmyis (只填序号)页码 / 总页数
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