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六年级上学期英语第一-第二单元练习卷姓名: 家长签名: 评分:一、 找出下列每组中划线部分发音与其它三个不同的词,并把它的字母编号写在括号里。( ) 1) A traffic B plane C play D train( ) 2) A eat B me C teacher D head ( ) 3) A fifth B if C bike D hospital( ) 4) A twelfth B east C twelve D break( ) 5) A school B book C look D good ( ) 6) A where B bear C near D chair 二、 选择正确的答案( )1)I am going by bike . What you ? A in B are C about D with ( ) 2) I want my friend Peter . A to B to see C see D to seeing ( ) 3) Is the school far your home ? A on B at C from D about ( ) 4) The Food Shop is the left of the street A in B at C to D on ( ) 5) Is a cinema near your home ? A the B there C they D there s ( ) 6) Walk straight ten minutes. A of B in C at D for ( ) 7)We go to the bookstore Sunday. A at B of C on D for ( ) 8) I am Chinese . I come China. A from B in C on D of 三、 根据提示,填写单词所缺的字母,把句子补充完整。1)W the hospital ? Its n to the bank.2) C I take the No.16 bus to the zoo ?3) I am going to the b . I want to buy some books.4)The cinema is on the r .5) I want to buy two p of shoes.6)Walk s for six minutes.7)The science museum is in f of the school.8) We m know the traffic r.
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