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2020年兰州市高三诊断考试英语试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhile we are burning hot here, it is winter in South America. The Andes Mountains are situated along the Argentina-Chile border. Once the first snow falls of early June start lo drop, skiers are ready to enjoy the nightlife of ski towns all along the border.CaviahueMeaning “site of gathering and celebration”, this spot draws people with its long ski season, natural beauty, and hot springs.Season: June 15th to September 30thTel/Fax: (011)4314-8212/9180Website: http:/www.caviahue.comCerro CastorThe newest ski resort in Argentina, this winter playground is near Ushuaiathe worlds southernmost city. The stable and cold temperatures of Castor allow it to offer the longest ski seasons in South America.Season: June 17th to October 16thPhone: 54 290-1499301Fax: 54 290-1430680Website: http:/www.cerrocastor comPerito MorenoThis resort features 11 skiable kilometers divided into 9 tracks, a double 1, 000-mcter-long chairlift line that joins the 900-meter-high and the 1,350-meter-high areas, where snow is guaranteed throughout the winter.Season: From June 15th to October 5thPhone: 54 294-4409000Fax: 54 294-4409000 int. 118Website: http:/ www.cerro-periiomoreno.comCerro CatedralCerro Catedral was one of the first ski resorts in Argentina. Cerro Catedral has continued to gain a reputation for itself-all the while updating its facilities. The resort has 39 lifts, which allow access to 600 hectares (公顷)of skiable surface divided into 53 well-signaled runs of various difficulties.Season: From June 18th to October 10thTel/Fax: (012) 4672-2947/7672Website: http: www.catedralaltapatagonia.com1. Which number should you call if you want to take a hot spring bath?A. 54 294-4409000B. 54 290-1499301C. (012)4672-2947/7672D. (011)4314-8212/91802. Which of the following offers the longest ski season?A. CaviahueB. Cerro CastorC. Perito MorenoD. Cerro Catedral3. Whats the feature of Cerro Catedral?A. Cultural appeal.B. Beauty and comfort.C. Advanced equipment.D. Historical significance.BI wanted to be a journalist. But my parents reminded me that math makes money, so off to engineering school I went In my post-university young-adult life, Ive managed to become traditionally successful. As a female engineer, I worked for a big oil company and owned a home. My life was laid out in front of me. and I didnt like what I saw.So, I did what any respectable 24-year-old would do and left my life behind. I said goodbye to my boyfriend and pulled out my suitcase. I threw myself alone into the world with the grace and beauty of a baby deer taking its first steps with skateboards under its feet. I bloodied my knees mountain biking through the red rocks of Utah. I spent four days struggling through Yellowstone with 50 pounds on my back. Two Peruvian women along my Andean journey taught me how to roast coffee and helped me practice Spanish. It wasnt Viennas cultural museums; it was a sunny piece of grass beside the Danube river with someone from my hostel (青年旅社) who quickly became a friend. It wasnt Yellowstones Old Faithful geyser (间歇喷泉)launching into the air; it was charging through Montanas ordinary landscape playing music so loud that the car windows shook. The truth is, I didnt actually need to be abroad to have almost any of my favorite experiences. They were just small everyday moments that happened to happen abroad, leading me to realize that the true value of my flight tickets were not the landmarks, but rather becoming an active participant in my own life.I now spend less time online shopping and more time lying alone on the floor listening to an album cover to cover. I ask my friends how theyre doing. Sometimes I surprise them with flowers to see them smile. I tell everyone to have a good day.4. What can we learn, about the author from Paragraph 1 ?A. She found her work challenging.B. She was dissatisfied with her life.C. She preferred math to journalism.D. She dared not talk back to her parents,5. Why does the author mention the journeys she has taken in the text?A. To prove the importance of travel.B. To express her joy with new friends.C. To show what she learned from the travelling.D. To introduce the landmarks she was interested in,6. How has the travel probably changed the author?A. She has become more independent.B. She begins to enjoy her daily life more.C. She begins to value her familys opinion.D. She has become more interested in foreign cultures.7. What message does the author try to convey in the text?A. We shouldnt think life is better elsewhere.B. Interest is the best teacher in choosing jobs.C. Travel is the best way to spend your holidays.D. The importance of travelCAnts know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes significantly pr
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