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2020学年人教版英语精品资料SectionLearningaboutLanguage,UsingLanguage,SummingUp&LearningTip一、单句改错1Would you mind me to look at the menu for a few more minutes?答案:to looklooking2I felt embarrassing when I dropped the Tang Dynasty vase.答案:embarrassingembarrassed3He didnt make that clear when and where the meeting would be held.答案:thatit4Despite of his 80-year-old age,he can still drive a car.Its a wonder.答案:去掉of5There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow one?答案:oneit6This annoyed her to see someone spit on the ground.答案:ThisIt7Though many of the heavy smokers have realized the serious effects that smoking has to their health, they continue to smoke instead of giving it up.答案:第一个toon8You should be shameful of yourself to make your teacher embarrassed in front of so many students on purpose.答案:shamefulashamed9If one or both of the parents has got into the habit of smoking, they are likely to get their children into the habit, which gets them into a lot of health problems.答案:hashave二、完成句子1(尽管天气恶劣),we went camping.答案:In spite of the bad weather2You have no right to (冒险) with other peoples lives.答案:take risks3Three people were rescued from a ship which had (陷入困境).答案:got into difficulties/trouble4Have you (对作出决定) where to go for your honeymoon?答案:decided on5You already ate breakfast!Why didnt you tell me that (起初)?答案:in the first place6(没有好处) taking more than six of the pills a day.答案:It is no good三、完形填空For several reasons I decided to stop smoking.For one thing,I realized that my smoking cigarettes bothered others,1 my wife and children,irritating(刺激) their eyes and 2 them to cough and sneeze.Smoking cigarettes was 3 not a good habit.Our house 4 with ashtrays piled high with butts,matchsticks,and ashes,and the children were5 knocking them over.Smoking cigarettes was 6,and I estimated that the carton(包) a week that I was smoking 7 me about $950 a year.Another 8 I stopped smoking was that the 9 about cigarettes being 10 to health finally11 to me.A heavy smoker I know from work is in Eagleville Hospital now 12 lung cancer.Smoking cigarettes was also13.When I smoked,I would have to drink something to wet down my 14 throat,and that meant I had to keep15 to the bathroom all the time.I sometimes 16spend whole weekends doing 17 smoking,drinking,and going to the bathroom.Most of all,I was determined to18smoking because I felt 19.I hated smoking,which had made money off my sweat and blood.20 I am concerned,I hope you will also follow my example to stop smoking for the sake of your health.1A.particularlyB.speciallyC.purposelyD.personally答案:A解析:particularly“格外;尤其”,可译成“特别是”,表示程度,相当于especially;specially“特意;格外”,含有“专门”的意思,表示目的;purposely“故意地”;personally“亲自地;就个人而言”。2A.to forceB.makingC.to haveD.causing答案:D解析:此处所填动词与and前的irritating形式应是一致的,可排除A、C两项;B项中make后接复合宾语时,不定式省略to。故选D项。3A.eitherB.alsoC.tooD.as well答案:B解析:此处表示“也”。also用于比较正式的场合,语气比too庄重,它在句中的位置要紧靠动词;too前后用逗号分开,多放在句末;aswell为副词短语,常与and,but等词连用,只能放在句末;either只能用于否定句中,而且必须放在句末,通常不用逗号隔开。4A.has been filledB.had coveredC.was dirtiedD.was painted答案:C解析:在此处dirty是动词,意思是“弄脏(房间等)”。由本文讲述过去的事情可排除A项;由主语Ourhouse可知本句是被动结构,排除B项;由句意排除D项。5A.alwaysB.yetC.almostD.only答案:A解析:always与进行时态连用时表示说话人的一种感情色彩;yet表示“还;可是”;almost表示“几乎”;only表示“仅仅”。6A.cheapB.expensiveC.highD.valuable答案:B解析:根据下句中“IestimatedthatthecartonaweekthatIwassmoking7meabout$950ayear.”可知,只抽烟一项一年就花费大约950美元,这个数目是比较大的,因此说“香烟很贵”。7A.spendB.takeC.costD.pay答案:C解析:此句的主语是thecarton,当物做主语时,通常构成sth.costsb.somemoney的结构。take多用于指某事花费时间,多用it做形式主语;spend多用于指某人做某事花时间、花钱,人做主语;pay用于指某人花费金钱等,人做主语。8A.stepB.habitC.methodD.reason答案:D解析:全文所提到的均是为什么要戒烟,即戒烟的“原因”,而不是“步骤”“习惯”或“方法”。9A.messageB.noticeC.wordsD.sentence答案:A解析:“我”戒烟的另一个原因是吸烟有害健康的“信息”,所以应选择A项。10A.goodB.usefulC.uselessD.harmful答案:D解析:由下文举例说一位吸烟者患上了肺癌可知,吸烟有害,因此本题应选择吸烟对健康不利的词,四个选项中只有harmful符合句意。11A.askedB.got throughC.helpedD.noticed答案:B解析:此句意思是“那些抽烟有害健康的信息最终被我接受”。getthroughto“到达”;ask,help和notice均不与介词to连用。12A.atB.asC.withD.from答案:C解析:句意为“我通过工作认识的一位烟瘾很大的人现在因肺癌而住在易格维尔医院里”。介词with可表示“因为;由于”,at,as和from没有此意。13A.inconvenientB.comfortableC.uneasyD.helpful答案:A解析:根据下面的讲述“WhenIsmoked,Iwouldhavetodrinksomethingtowetdownmy14throat,andthatmeant.tothebathroom.”可知答案是inconvenient(不方便的)。14A.wetB.injuredC.dryD.threatened答案:C解析:根据本句中“.drinksomethingtowetdown.”可知,抽烟时的嗓子是dry(干的)。15A.to goB.goingC.to runD.running答案:B解析:此处的意思是“我得不断地去洗手间”。keepdoing意思是“不断地重复做”,排除A项和C项;表示“去洗手间”用go不用run,排除D项。16A.wished toB.hoped toC.used toD.seemed to答案:D解析:从上文内容来看,作者并不希望自己过这样的生活,由此排除A项和B项;usedto“过去常常”,不合句意;只有seemedto“好像”可以表达“我似乎整个周末在做”。17A.anything withB.nothing bu
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