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教学设计学校;贵阳十一中学科;小学英语姓名;陈溪璐Unit 6 Part B Lets learn1, Teaching demands and aims.1) Lets the students learn to how to read and write these words; tomato, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot.2) Lets the students learn to how to read these sentences; look at the cucumbers, theyer fresh. Yes and the potatoes are big.3) Let the students use these words and sentences to communicate with others.2, Teaching key point1) Enable the students to read and write these words of Part B Lets learn.2) Enable the students to use these sentences 3, Teaching difficult point1) Require the students to learn how to read, listen, say, and write the five words.2) And how to pronounce these words; cucumber, onion.4, Emotion aims1)通过本节的学习,让学生学会有关食物单词的同时,学会良好的饮食习惯,做到不挑食不厌食,爱惜食物,珍惜食物。5, Teaching steps.1) Warming up.Lets the students do a warming up about tomato.2) PresentationLets learnTeacher; Good morning! Class!Student; Good morning! Teacher!Teacher; OK! Please look at me! Can you guess what this is?(Take a picture of tomato)Student Teacher; Yes! Good! Read after me! Tomato! (带读5遍)Student Teacher; Yes! Good! Lets play a game! (大小声游戏)Student (以此方法,教授剩余的四个单词,分别玩得游戏,哭笑脸,吹气球,放气球,123木头人等。)Teacher play the tape, let the students guess and repeat the stances, the students who could right do it, they could get a star.Teacher; Ok! Open the book, tune to page 73.PartB,read after me!Student Teacher; Good! Who can tell me? Whats the meaning these sentences?Student Teacher; Good!5, Homework1) Writing and writing these words.2) Reading these sentences.
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