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Unit 7 How much are these socks? (Grammar Focus-3c)一、Teaching Goals 一、语言知识:1. 能够熟练使用How much引导的特殊疑问句询问价格(How much questions). How much is this T-Shirt? How much are these socks?2.能够正确使用指示代词指代物体(Demonstrative pronouns): the/ this/ that/ these/ those + n.二、语言功能:能够就衣物的价格进行问答。三、学习策略:通过观察、比较发现规律,掌握语言知识的用法。四、文化知识:了解货币单位“人民币”和“美元”。二、Teaching procedures :Step1. Revision. Ask some students to revise the words according to the pictures,and use each word to make a sentence. hat T-shirtjacketsweaterskirtshortsshoessockstrousersdollars看图说出下列物品的英语单词,并造句。e.g. hat How much is the hat? T-shirt This is my blue T-shirt. jacket Is that your jacket? (设计意图:通过图片,直观的复习所学单词。并要求学生用每一个单词造一个句子,训练学生应用单词的能力,同时还复习所学过的各种句型。)Ask the students to do the exercises and check the answers.1. sock (复数) _ 2. shoe (复数) _3. dollar(复数) _ 4. big (反义词) _ 5. long (反义词) _ 6. white(反义词) _7. 多少钱 _ 8. 绿色的毛衣 _ 9. 红色的短裤 _ 10. 怎么样?_11. 要我帮助吗?_ 12. 三美元两双 _13. 我将买着它(们)。_按要求写出正确的单词或词组。(设计意图:通过对单词、短语及句型的复习,了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况。体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生的参与、实践和交流,以学定教。)Step2. Warming up and leading in1. Pair work: Let the students ask and answer in pairs. How much is this/that/the?How much are these/those/the?Its dollar(s)/yuan.Theyredollar(s)/yuan. (设计意图:通过实物和图片展示,复习使用How much引导的特殊疑问句询问价格,并用正确的指示代词回答,练习问答。)Step3. Find out the rules. T: Boys and girls, please complete the sentences and find the rules. 1. 那顶帽子多少钱? _ _ is that hat?2. 五美元。 _ five _. 3. 这件T恤衫多少钱? _ _ _ this T-shirt? 4. 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱? 八美元。 _ _ is that _ _? _ eight _. 5. 这些袜子多少钱?两美元。How much _ _ _? _ two dollars.6. 那黑色的裤子多少钱? 九美元。_ _ are those _ _? _ nine _. First ask the students to translate them into English, then find the rules.探讨总结:当询问价格时,常常使用_;询问单数物品时,可使用_. 回答:_;e.g. 这件红色T恤衫多少钱? 十美元。_ ? _.询问复数物品时,则用_. 回答:_.e.g. 这双黑鞋多少钱? 八美元。_? _.还可以使用其他询问形式:Whats the price of the+ n.?回答:Its+数额。指距离较近的物体时常用_; 指距离较远的物体时常用_.dollar的复数是_.(设计意图:通过给学生例子,让其自己找规律,在找出规律的基础上,在做练习加以巩固,这样理解更深刻,记忆更牢固。)Step4. PracticeT:Now class, please use what we found to make new sentences.3a.Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes. the, this, that, these, those yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, red, white, blackT-shirt, hat, trousers, skirt, sweater, socks, shorts, shoes, jacket, bagHow much is?the yellow T-shirtHow much are?the black shortsThe students use the words and phrases to make new sentences.Step5. Practice T: Look at the clothes and the prices. Can you complete the questions and the answers?3b Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. 1. How much is that hat? _ 2. How much is the bag? _ 3. How much is the T-shirt?_ 4. _ They are three dollars.5. _ Its nine dollars.6. _ Its eight dollars.The students write down the questions and the answers by themselves first, and then make conversations with their partners.(设计意图:学以致用,对所学知识进一步巩固练习。)Step6. Pair work: T: Great! Lets play a game: check your memory. 3c Pair work. Students A, look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your book. Student B, ask questions.How much is that hat?Its five dollars.How much is/are?Its /TheyreAsk some pairs to come to the front to act out.(设计意图:表演游戏可以激发学生的学习热情,调动学习积极性,讲所学知识应用到生活中,巩固练习。)T: Well done. Now lets sum up what weve learnt in this class?Ask the students to sum up what we learnt in this class, then chant together. How much, how much, how much is the blue hat? 5 dollars, 5 dollars, its 5 dollars. How much, how much, how much are the black socks? 3 dollars, 3 dollars, theyre only 3 dollars.Do you often get others help? Do you often help others? Beauty comes from the inside. Being helpful is the most beautiful.The end-of class test:一、用be动词的正确形式填空1. How much _ this computer? 2. What _ the price of the dictionary? 3. How much _ the red shoes? 4. What price _ the blue T-shirt? 5. How much _ these
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