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酒店英语口语大全:呼叫台帮忙呼叫寻人C:Is that Beijing Hotel?是北京饭店?O:Speaking.May i help you?我可以为你效劳吗?C:Yes,could you put me through to Mr.Black in Room 619.please?是的,帮我接下619房间的布莱克先生好吗?O:Certainly,sir.Thank you for waiting,sir.I”m afraid there is no reply from Room 619.Would you like to leave a message?固然,先生,让您久等了。619号房没有答复。你需要留口信吗?C:Well,l”m sure he”s in the hotel.Could you page him for me?好的,我信任他在酒店的。 可不行帮我呼叫下他?O:Certainly,sir.Where do you think he will be?固然,先生,你认为他在哪儿呢?C:He”s probably having lunch.Could you page the restaurants,please?他可能在吃饭,你能再餐馆里呼叫下吗?O:Do you know which restaurant he is likely to be in?你知道他会去哪家餐馆吗?C:I”ve no idea.我不知道O:I”m afraid we can only page the public places.唯恐我们只能呼叫一些公共场所的信息C:Fine.Do it then,please!好的,感谢。O:May i have his full name?你可以告知我他的全名吗?C:Tom Black.汤姆.布莱克。O:Paging Mr.Tom Black,Paging Mr.TomBlack .Please pick up the nearest house phone for operator No.5.Thank you.呼叫汤姆,呼叫汤姆。请接起离你最近的电话。感谢
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