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Unit 1 Phoning HomeLesson 2 Is Danny There?同步练习 补全句子Read and write. 单选题1.is she going to there? By train or by bus?2. I b some presents on my holiday.Thereaphoneonthedesk.A.areB. isC.am 改写单词1. I _ (live) in a small town when I was a child. 2. Mike _ (see) a big tiger at the zoo last Sunday. 填写单词1. I _ (看望祖父母) with my parents on the weekend.2. Sometimes I_ (爬山) with my friends. 阅读理解Readandwrite. MrLi: Welcometothezoo.Therearemanyanimals.John: Iseetwotigers.Theyareswimming.MrLi: Herecometwoelephants.John: Whataretheydoing?MrLi: Theyaredrinkingwater.Canyouseethemonkey?John: Yes. Itsswinging.MrLi: Doyouseethekangaroo?John: Yes.Itsjumping.Itsfun.Readandjudge. 判断下面说法是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1.Thetwoelephantsaredrinking.( ) 2.Thekangarooisswimming.( ) 3.Johnseesthemonkey.参考答案 补全句子1、 解析:how来询问使用的交通工具。答案:How2、 解析:买礼物,并且是过去的行为。答案:bought 单选题1.1、 解析:由题可知是单数形式,应该用is 答案:B 改写单词1、 解析:when I was a child反映的是一般过去式。答案:lived2、 解析:last Sunday也是过去式。答案:saw 填写单词1、 解析:拜访是visit,祖父母是grandparents。答案:visit grandparents2、 解析:爬山的常用说法是climb mountains。答案:climb mountains 阅读理解1、 解析:两头大象正在喝水。答案:T2、 解析:游泳的并不是袋鼠。答案:F3、 解析:约翰确实看到了猴子 。答案:T
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