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四年级上期末测试考班级 姓名 分数一、补全单词并翻译。10分1、jm果酱2、stdnt学生3、yrs你的 4、tmorrw明天5、nglsh英语6、pn平底锅7、kn知道8、swm游泳9、kn膝盖10、f ce 胳膊二、对号入座。20分()1、here you are A、四比三()2、be quiet B、拉小提琴()3、look atC、踢球()4、from now onD、给你()5、play the violinE、今天下午()6、this afternoon F、早上好()7、kickthe ball G、看着()8、four to threeH、去游泳()9、go swimmingI、安静()10、good morning J、从现在开始三、选出划线部分发音不同的一项。10分()1、 A、tableB、appleC、cake()2、A、bookB、schoolC、good()3、A、orangeB、hotC、no()4、A、eggB、legC、he()5、A、bigB、likeC、bike四、单项选择。20分()1、Lets jumpthe water.A、inB、intoC、to()2、Ivery well.A、singsB、singC、to sing()3、Passthe book,please.A、IB、meC、she()4、Do you like?A、reading a bookB、reading bookC、read books()5、Ito school every day.A、goB、goesC、to go()6、This book isA、meB、myC、mine()7、Lets some pancakes.A、to make B、making C、make()8、Whatsbreakfast?A、forB、atC、in()9、Itsbike.A、KensB、KenC、Kens()10、They are.A、a gloveB、glovesC、glove五、选词填空。(填序号)20分备选栏:A、are B、ride C、Mrs. D、like E、besideF、is G、Whose H、My I、third J、welcome1、Do youapples?2、names Mike.3、Welate.4、Whats theclass?5、Youa bike.6、ThisLili.7、ball is this?8、Please sit downKen.9、Youre.10、ThatsSmith.六、连词成句并翻译。10分1、are /doing/ what / you /?2、after / what / do / do / school / you / ?3、oranges/for/you/are/good /.4、bag / my / blue / is /.5、do / you /how / do / ?七、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)10分Ken likes playing baseball. He has two bats, four baseballs, and two pairs of gloves. But, he cant play baseball well. Look, the score is seven to one. His score is one.()1、Ken likes playing basketball.()2、Ken has five baseball and two bats.()3、Ken can play baseball very well.()4、The score is 7 to 1.()5、Kens score is seven.
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