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Unit2 Is this your pencil? Section A The First PeriodINTRODUCTION. The teaching material.The students.The methods of teaching and learning. The teaching aids. The teaching process English new course standard emphasizes to develop students communication ability. This period is based on the Task-based Language Teaching. Its important for us teachers to set different kinds of games and give all kinds of tasks in this lesson. Students learn the language through communication, through activities, through co-operation. (一) Teaching aimsA. Knowledge aimsa. Key Vocabulary: pen, pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionaryb. Target Language: Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. No, it isnt. Its her/his pencil.C. Emotional aimsa. Learn to have a try bravely;b. Learn to form the co-operative and competitive study attitude;c. To be honest and form good manners.(二). The important and difficult points in teachingA. The important points 1. Key words 2. The target language B. The difficult points Use the target language to identify the owner of the things.The students The students in Junior 1 cant keep their minds long focusing on one thing. So in class we often do guessing games, oral practice, including imitation, competition, reading the chant and so on. They can learn English through all kinds of activities. . The methods of teaching and learningThe aim of learning English is let the students receive some moral education while they are learning. Students in my class learn English by doing lots of group activities. They can speak English in a happy atmosphere.On the other hand, I persist in the communicative teaching method and create many interesting games in order to attract students attention, set them in a real English environment.The teaching aids1. Stationeries2. Multi-media slides3. Some paper in different shapes. The teaching process1. Look, whats in my box? This is a warming-up exercise. The teacher will show lots of school things on the screen, however, the students should focus their minds. Because the pictures only last for several seconds. Its useful to raise students learning interest. All the new words are included in this part.2. Whats in the classroom?Teacher will ask students to find all the things in the picture. The group will get a score if they find one thing. This activity can consolidate the new words we learned.Each team has great interest in it, because everyone wants the scores. The teaching activity is very simple, but efficient. Also, its the base of the following activities.3. Challenge the memoryThis is another group work. The students must remember the location of each thing. This can help students learn to co-operate with each other. Also, they need to use “Is it a/an ” to ask if its a ruler or something else. After mastering the new words , students will use the following sentence pattern to practice in pairs.4.给视频配音并角色扮演role playAs everyone knows, all the students want to be the actors. So its a good way to practice their listening skills and speaking skills. The video can arouse their curiosity.5.Find the owner( 找 失 主).Use the target language to finish the task.The computer is more and more important in modern society. After finding the owners, students are required to fill in the chart. This activity can train students computer skills.6. Read the chantThe chant can make students master the target Language easily. Also its a summary. In the end, teacher needs to develop students emotion as well as abilities. Everyone should keep a good habit of being honest and return others things. 7. The open homework As we know, we should train 4 skills. In this lesson listening skill, speaking skill and reading skill have been practiced much. So the open homework is to practice students writing skill and computer ability.
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