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PEP7 六年级上Unit4 I have a pen pal 第一节课型:讲授课 时间:40分钟教学要求;(1) 能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps.并能在具体语境中熟练地用英语表达自己的爱好。(2) 能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式; collecting stamps,riding a bike playing the violin, making kites, diving教学重难点: (1) 掌握五个动词短语的ing形式(2) 拼写riding making diving(3) 能熟练地用英语表达自己的爱好。教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1:Warm-up /Revision 通过竞猜游戏的方式活跃课堂气氛,帮助学生复习动词短语i ng形式分别请六名学生上讲台看卡片做动作,让其余学生运用句型“Are you.ing?猜他们正在干什么。例如:S1做游泳状S2:Are you swimming?S1:Yes, I am./No, Im not.借助写有短语的卡片swimming, singing,listening to musicwatching TVplaying chessplaying footballplaying the pianoStep2:Presentation 1.Lets learn(1)教授单词hobby由上一步自然过渡到问学生是否喜欢这些活动,引出本课Hobby的主题。 用上一步的卡片学生提问:Do you like swimming/ singing.?如果学生回答Yes, I do.教师就接着说You like swimming. Swimming is your hobby. 带读hobby 问学生hobby 的中文含义.S:Yes, I do./No, Im not.同上(2)教授句型What is your hobby?I like collecting stamps.通过出示实物,让学生提问 老师的爱好,引出本课重点句型“What is your hobby?”“I like collecting stamps.教师拿出集邮册,T: Look, I have many stamps. Do you know what my hobby is? You can ask me like this; What is your hobby?T: I like collecting stamps.教师板书带读What is your hobby?I like collecting stamps.学生跟读What is your hobby?I like collecting stamps.出示一本邮集(3)教授句子“Whats his/her hobby? She/He likes.由问“Whats your hobby?”扩展到|问第三人称他人的爱好,教师提问若干名学生:Whats your hobby?最后教师就上一名男学生S1回答提问一学生S2:Whats his(S1) hobby?学生回答语法错误后更正:He likes playing pingpong. 继续提问一女生(S3)Whats your hobby?就女生回答问另一学生(S4)Whats her hobby?S: I like.S1: I like playing pingpong.(做动作)S2: He like playing pinpong. S3: I like dancing.S4: She likes dancing.(4)教授短语playing the vilion. 播放小提琴乐曲给予学生美的享受。在音乐中体会短语playing the violin.出示一个女孩图片,播放小提琴演奏曲T; She is a little girl . Listen , what is her hobby?带读playing the violinT: I cant play the vilion. But I can play the piano. I like playing the piano.让学生用I like playing the .造句S1: She likes playing the vilion.S1: I like playing the guitar.S2: I like playing the drum.PPT(5)教授短语diving让学生观看郭晶晶奥运跳水视频,给予学生生动形象的感受。在学习短语的同时,激发学生树立为国争光的远大理想。播放郭晶晶跳水视频T: Do you know GuoJingjing?T: What is she doing?T: Yes. She is diving.带读dive-diving 强调dived的进行时去e+ingT: GuoJingjing is a diver.She won a gold medal at 2008 Beijing Oliympic Game.What is her hobby?Ss:Yes.Ss: 跳水Ss; She is diving.Ss: She likes diving.郭晶晶跳水视频(6)教授短语riding a bike让学生看无臂车手图片,进行竞猜,激发学生的想象力,猜的过程让更多的学生锻炼句型和新词组。同时让学生 体会身残志坚的道理。出示无臂自行车手图片,让学生猜一猜他的爱好。T: We are prond of GuoJingjing. We are prond of him ,too. Look at this man. He has no arms. Can you guess :what is his hobby?T: You are right! He likes riding a bike. He is amazing!带读 riding a bike强调ride的进行时去e+ingT: Can you ride a bike? Do you go to school by bike? Do you like riding a bike?S1: He likes playing football.S2: He likes.S3: He likes riding a bike.Ss:.PPT无臂自行车手图片(7)教授短语making kites在教授短语同时,丰富学生制作风筝的知识。T: I like riding a bike, too. And I like flying a kite.Do you know how to make kites? I dont know. But he knows. 出示一个男人制作风筝的图片。T: Whats his hobby?强调make的进行时去e+ingSs: He likes making kites.PPT一个男人制作风筝的图片Step3Practice(1)Game 用游戏的方式巩固句型I like. 教师让学生两人一组用I like.说说自己的爱好,比比谁说的爱好多。学生说一说比一比(2)Interview 将Lets start, Lets play Group work 几个环节结合在一起,让学生运用句型对朋友进行采访,给学生创造了运用所学知识交流的机会。1. 让学生采访同班朋友的爱好并完成表格。2. 口述表格内容,进行最佳小记者评比。3. 教师进行统计相同爱好的人数。4. 让学生口述统计内容.A:Whats your hobby?B: I likeI like riding a bike. My friend Mike likes making kites. My friend Amy likes boys like girls likeStep 4Extention创造真实情景,让学生由听说进入读写,全方位锻炼学生的语言运用能力。设置情景:学校要成立课外兴趣小组。分别有Music Team Sports TeamReading TeamComputer Team Chess Team让学生阅读写一份范例报名表,并进行仿写。简述自己加入该兴趣组的理由,然后把表格投入信箱中,教师从每个中抽一份表展示由组长决定是否批准该生加入该组。报名表写作如下: My name is ChenJie. Ican play the piano. I like playing the piano very much. I want to join the mucis team.PPT 第二节
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