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小学三年级科教版人教PEP版英语下册填空题过关专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据中文提示,选择合适的单词,补全句子或对话。arm leg head foot hand1. Point to your_(头).2. This is my_(手).3. Thats his_(腿)and thats his_(脚).4. Is this your_(胳膊)?Yes, it is.2. 选择适当的词填空完成对话。how many What colour How What Do(1) _is an apple?Its sour and sweet.(2) _monkeys can you see?Four.(3) _are they?Lemons.(4) _is it?Its yellow.(5) _you like elephants?Yes, I do.3. 根据句意,完成句子。1You have a_(咳嗽).2Do you like_(老虎)?3The students often clean the_(地板)after school.4My mothers birthday is on the_(第四天)of April.5These_(child / children) are playing on the playground.6Do you have_(some/ any) pears?7Thats my grandpa, my fathers_(father/ mother).4. 选择恰当单词补全句子或对话。1_(A/An)ice cream, please.2_(Who/What)is that?Thats my uncle.3Show me your_(father/fathers)photo.4I like_(honey/honeys).5_(Are/Is)that your zip?5. 选出与所给单词同类的选项。A. orange B. mother C. sister D. cake E. greenF. grandma G. doll H. skirt I. T-shirt J.CDL. red M. pie N. car O. egg P. cap1father:_2robot:_3brown:_4hot dog:_5jacket:_6. 用“/”划去括号里不合适的单词。1I(isnt, dont)like table tennis.2They like(me, I)3I dont like(riding, ride)my house.4I dont like(skip, skipping).5I like(swimming, swim).7. 根据图片,选出正确的单词写在四线格上。1Do you like. (pears/ grapes)2Where is my(ball/ car).3Look at that giraffe. Its so(short/ tall).4My brother is(in/ under) the car.5I have(fifteen/ seventeen) birds.8. 选词填空。isnt Where ready find Read1_a map.2_is my bag?3Are you_?4Where are you? I cant_you.5The eraser_in the pencil box.9. 根据句意,选择合适的选项填入句子中所缺单词。1Look at me._( I / My ) am the letter Bb.2Look at my new skirt._( It / Its ) is a nice skirt.3This is Helen._( Shes / Hes ) my sister.4Id like_( a / an ) orange.10. 选择正确的内容填空补全句子或对话,写在横线上。1_( Lets, Let) colour the hair purple.2_(What, What colour) do you like? I like white.3I have a green_(cakes, kite).4The white rabbit is_(Mike, Mikes).5_(Do, Are) you like the blue crayon?6Colour_(the, an) hat red.7Is your hair black? Yes,_ (it is, is it).8May I use your_(crayons, pencils) to colour the picture?11. 按要求给下列单词分类。A. one B. red C. mother D. cat E. tenF. farmer G. blue H. sister I. panda J. doctor1.数字类:_2.颜色类:_3.动物类:_4.家庭成员类:_5.职业类:_12. 根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1Look, the ducks are_(玩耍) in the rain.2They are playing_(捉迷藏).3They are hiding_(在树下).13. 用下列单词的合适形式填空(不能重复)。wolf, shape, cold, leaf, hear, see, house1Listen, I can_raindrops.2Do you like these_?Yes, I do.3It is autumn. The_fall and fall.4What are those animals?They are_.5Its_Please put on your coat.6Look, do you_the butterfly?Yes, its over there.7What_is this?It is a triangle.14. 选词填空。from new where again friends1Nice to see you_.2Hi. Im_China.3We are good_.4This is Sam. He is a_student.5_are you from?15. 选词填空,完成句子。make show have act touch1I_a ruler.2_your face.3Let s_a puppet!4_like a bird.5_me six.16. 选择正确单词,补全句子。1Whats_(in / at) your storybook?2That_(is / are) my father.3I dont like_(honey / hamburger).4_(What / How) old are you?5This is_(my / me) uniform.17. 选择正确的字母填空。a e i r o k1wh_te 2y_llow 3c_lour4blac_ 5or_nge 6g_een页码 / 总页数
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