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七年级英语第一学期第一次月考试卷(100分 90分钟)A卷一.单项选择。(10分)( )1. 下列大小写字母不对应的一组是 _。A. FfB. MwC. Ee( )2. 下列字母中一笔写成的是 _。A. pB. tC. m( )3. 下列各组字母中含有相同读音的一组是 _。A. H, AB. H, IC. L, Y( )4. Welcome to Beijing!_A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. Thank you. C. Fine, thank you. ( )5. Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Lin. Miss Lin, _A. thank you.B. how are you?C. this is my mom.( )6. _Fine, thank you.A. How do you do?B. How are you?C. Are you Mr. Wang?( )7. _ you Mingming?Yes, I _.A. Are; areB. Am; amC. Are; am( )8. 下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 _。A. a, e, o, rB. a, i, u, eC. o, u, e, n( )9. 下列字母书写格式正确的是 _。A. B. C. ( )10. 当别人帮助了你, 你应该说 _A. OK.B. Nice to meet you.C. Thank you.二.情景交际。(15分)A. 从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。(5分)( )11. Where are you from?A. No. Theyre from Fuzhou.( )12. Whats his name?B. Its (010)8267-6919.( )13. Is she Jane?C. Im from Cuba.( )14. Are they from Beijing?D. Yes, she is.( )15. Whats your telephone number?E. His name is Liu Xiang.B. 将下列句子按正确顺序排列。(5分)A. Who is she?B. She is from Canada.C. Where is she from?D. No, she isnt.E. She is Judy.第一句已给出: Is she Maria?16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _C. 从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)A: Excuse me, are you Sam?B: Yes, I am. 21 A: My name is Bob.B: 22 A: Nice to meet you, too. 23 B: No, Im not. 24 Where are you from?A: Im from Shanghai. 25 B: Thank you.A. How do you do?B. Welcome to Beijing.C. Welcome to Shanghai.D. Are you from England?E. Whats your name?F. Im from the U.S.A.G. Nice to meet you.三.看图填空。(10分)根据图片内容补全对话。26. _ is he?He _ Xiao Ming.27. Is she _ Japan?No, she _.28. _ are they from?They are from _.29. Whats _ QQ number?_ QQ number is 158141028.30. _ she Jane?_, she is.四.完形填空。(10分)AI have(有) three friends. 16 are Kangkang, Maria and Fred. Kangkang is thirteen. Maria and Fred 17 fourteen. Kangkang is from China. Maria and Fred are from the U.S.A. Maria is 18 China now. 19 in Class 4, Grade 7. She and Kangkang are in the same class. 20 telephone number is 8267-6858. I like(喜欢) my friends.( )16. A. He B. They C. TheseD. Those( )17. A. amB. isC. areD. be( )18. A. inB. fromC. toD. /( )19. A. HeB. HesC. ShesD. She( )20. A. SheB. ShesC. HeD. HerBMy name is Liu Fang. Im a Chinese girl(中国女孩). This is an English girl. 21 name is Mary Green. She 22 my friend. She is twelve. She is from 23 . Shes a new student (新学生) here. Im in Grade Seven. Mary is in Grade 24 , too. We(我们) are not in 25 same class, but we are good friends.( )21. A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His( )22. A. beB. areC. amD. is( )23. A. ChinaB. the U.S.A.C. EnglandD. Canada( )24. A. SixB. SevenC. EightD. Nine( )25. A. theB. /C. aD. an五、阅读理解 (20分,每题2分)AI am Lin Feng. I am a middle school student. I am twelve years old. I am in Class One, Grade Seven. I am from Beijing, and my mother and father are in Beijing now. My mother is a teacher. She is thirty years old. My father is a doctor. He is thirty-two years old. I am in Shanghai now. I have a good friend here. Her name is Zhang Ning. She is fourteen years old. She is from Chongqing. We are in the same class.( ) 26. Lin Feng is _ years old.A. twelve B. thirteen C. fourteen ( ) 27. Zhang Ning is from _. A. ChongqingB. Beijing C. Shanghai ( ) 28. Zhang Ning is _ years old. A. twelve B. thirteen C. fourteen ( ) 29. What class is Lin Feng in? A. Class Two B. Grade Seven C. Class One( ) 30. Lin Fengs mother is _. A. a student B. a teacherC. a doctor BTiger Lion KangarooTiger:Good evening! Nice to meet you.Lion:Nice to meet you, too.Tiger:Where are you from?Lion:Im from Africa(非洲). And where are you from?Tiger:Im from America(美洲).Lion:Look, whos this?Tiger:This is a kangaroo.Lion and Tiger:Hello, welcome to our zoo(动物园). Where are you from?Kangaroo:Im from Australia(澳洲)阅读短文后判断下列句子正(T)误(F)( ) 31. The Tiger and the Lion meet in the morning. ( ) 32. The Lion is from Africa.( ) 33. The Tiger isnt from America. ( ) 34. Kangaroo is from Australia. ( ) 35. They are in the zoo now. 六、朗读下列各组字母,分辨其是否包含相同的音素,如相同,请写 “S”,不同的,请写 “D”(5分)36. A, B( ) 37. E, C ( ) 38. f, h ( ) 39. s, x ( )40. K, L ( ) 七、将下列短语翻译英语(5分)41. 一个橘子 _ 42. 五辆公共汽车 _43. 十二个鸡蛋 _44. 六个盒子 _45. 八个玩具 _八、用所给词的正确形式填空,完成句子(5分)46. Are these your _ (box)?47.
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