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知“渔”得“鱼”汉阳区铁桥小学 彭莺一、背景分析古人云:“授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔,终生之用。”笔者认为,“教”与 “学”就是“渔”与“鱼”。在课堂教学中,知识就是“鱼”,而谁是钓鱼的人则直接决定了教学最终是否能实现“学以致用”这一最终目标。英语是一门语言,而看书读故事则是最常见的学语言的方法之一。在小学高年级的英语教学中,故事教学对于学生的英语学习有着非常重要的意义。一是,故事丰富多彩的表达方式符合小学生学习和身心发展的特点,能激发孩子们的兴趣并提高孩子们对语言的专注程度;二是,故事完整的情景及内容,辅以图片以及声音和音乐等有助于学生整体地理解和对语言的感受;三是,故事的连贯性有助于学生通过联想进行记忆、学习和掌握;四是,故事是一个有相对完整并有语境的语言素材,学生可以通过复述和表演等形式在一个有意义的、有语境的语言素材中获得更多的语言输入,从而体验语言的实践和运用。由此可见,阅读故事能更好的发展学生的阅读能力和综合语言能力。五年级的学生,通过两年的英语学习,已经具有一定的理解能力和学习能力,积累了一定的语言学习经验。在该年段,笔者通过一段时间的教学实践,对如何让学生真正参与到故事阅读中进行了一些有益尝试。二、教材简析本节课选自小学英语五年级Unit 10 Holidays(Part 6)A story The monster。本单元以holidays为话题,让学生学会运用(somebody) be (something)来描述自己或他人的正在进行的活动。经过前面几个课时的学习,学生已经掌握了(somebody) be (something),教材通过故事The monster帮助学生理解并学会在真实地场景中运用。三、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)能在语境中学习并理解:Have a nice holiday!/ What do they see?/ What can they do?/ bathroom/ have a bath/ bedroom/ living room/ kitchen/ wash the dishes (2)能理解故事。(3)能熟练并正确运用In the , is 句型。2、技能目标 :(1)学生能通过看、听、说等多种渠道获取信息。(2)学生能与他人交流所获取的信息。(3)学生能理解并运用所获取的信息。3、情感、态度、价值目标 :(1)激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生获取信息的能力。(2)培养学生乐于大胆展示自我的能力,树立学习英语的自信心。(3)树立自我保护意识。4、教学重、难点:(1)教学重点:能听懂并理解故事。(2)教学难点:a、能在语境中学习并理解。b、能用正确运用所学语言进行表达和交流四、案例描述Step1 Warming up1 Greeting 师: Class is beginning. Nice to meet you. Lets see! In this class, who is the best one? Boys, girls or me? Are you ready?(教师在黑板上标示出竞赛方式。)师: Im Fanny. Hello, boys and girls.学: Hello, Fanny.2 Free talks师: Summer is coming. Do you like summer? 学生们谈自己的感受。师:I like summer best. because in July and August, We dont go to school. We have a nice holiday. Do you know, on holiday, what can we do?学生看PPT(如图)的提示,并尝试用“We can .”说说在暑假可以做的有趣的事情。设计意图:在开课环节中,教师首先通过介绍评价办法,激发起学生的学习动机和学习热情;其次通过为学生创设一个开放的空间,让他们在PPT的提示下发挥想象,在脑海中浮现暑期中的休闲活动,运用以掌握的语言知识来表达自己的真实感受,激发起整节课的学习热情并自然地进入新授环节。Step 2 Read the story1 Look and say师: Open your book turn to page 103. Lets look at the story The monster. Then try to tell us, what can you see?学生们都很有兴趣的看着书上的故事图片,并小声地交流。师: Finish?生: Yes.师: I can see a red and yellow house. (教师将自己所看到的房子画在了黑板上。)师: What can you see?生1: I can see hippo.(没有举手,声音很小。)师: Good. (出示相应的动物卡) Please repeat!生1: I can see hippo. (大声地说)在此影响下,有学生开始大胆的举手,大部分学生开始积极起来。也有学生回答“I can see tree / flower.”等等,教师也进行了表扬,但没有出示卡片。师: You are great!2 Watch and find out师: Lets see and find out. How many rooms are there in the house? , What are they? 学生认真地观看配有声音的故事图片PPT。在出现房间的画面时,有部分学生小声的重复着。师: How many rooms are there?生: Four. 全班学生大声地回答出正确的答案,情绪开始兴奋。师:Good.(教师将黑板上的房子分成四间。)师: What are they?生1: The bathroom . 教师出示对应的房间卡片并对“bathroom”进行了的发音指导,全班认读。生2: The bedroom . 教师出示对应的房间卡片,并请该生带读。生3: The living room. 教师出示对应的房间卡片,并请该生带读。生4: The kitchen.教师出示对应的房间卡片并对“kitchen”进行了的发音指导,全班认读。师: Oh, this is a big house. Look, so many rooms in it. They are 生: The bathroom, the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen.设计意图:教师让学生先看故事,激发起学生的好奇和兴趣,培养学生自主学习的习惯;然后再让听故事,给学生创设感知、理解的机会和条件。Step 3 Decode the meaning from Picture 6 to Picture 91 watch and think师: Who is in this room? What is it doing? Lets see.学生观看故事(图片6-9)。2 Fill in the form师: Look at this form. (教师出示表格如图)RoomNameDoingIn the bathroomA lionare playing table tennis师: Please fill in it in pairs. OK?(学生在小组内通过相互合作完成表格信息收集。)3 Checks师: Finish? Good! What is it? (教师指黑板上的房间bathroom)生: The bathroom.师: who is in the bathroom?生: A hippo.(教师将动物卡hippo移动到房间中)师: what is it doing?生: A hippo is washing a bath.(教师以简笔画形式来表现washing a bath如图)师: Very good! Who can speak the next room? (学生学习热情高涨,参与意识强烈。)生1: In the bedroom, a lion is watching TV. (教师完成房间bedroom的板书如图)生2: In the living room, a fox and the snake are playing table tennis. (教师完成房间living room的板书如图)生3: In the kitchen, a rabbit is washing the dishes. (教师完成房间kitchen的板书如图)4 Listen and read师: You are great. Lets listen and read.学生观看并跟读。Step 4 Decode the meaning from Picture 1 to Picture 51 Watch and think师: Oh, I see. This is their house. Yes or No? 学生们一起大声地回答“No.”师: Whose home is this? Lets see. 学生观看故事(图片1-5)。生1: Rabbit、hamster and mouse.2 An exchange师: Yeah. Which picture told you?(让学生说说自己是从哪幅图发现房间的主人是Rabbit、hamster 和mouse的。)3 Watch and think师: OK, lets see. (播放故事图片1)师: What do you see?生: The rabbit.师: What is the rabbit saying?生: Have a nice holiday.师: Have a nice holiday. Whats the meaning of this? 学生说说他们对“Have a nice holiday.”的理解。师: It means “A good holiday.” Understand? 生: Yes.师: Now, the mouse and the hamster are getting home. Lets guess. What can they do?师: Maybe, they can to travel.师: Listen, what do they say? (播放故事图片2)生: OK, lets go.师: Do you know, where are they going? Lets watch. (播放故事图片3)生: They are going the big house.师: The hamster and the mouse get home. When do they come home? Lets see.(播放故事图片4)Step 5 A contests1 Look and say
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