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Anything is possible(一切皆有可能)日常生活常用单词分类(待完善)星期week一Monday, 二Tuesday, 三Wednesday, 四Thursday, 五Friday, 六saturday, 日sunday三餐meal早餐breakfast, 午餐lunch, 晚餐supper, 早上morning,中午noon, 下午afternoon,晚上evening水果fruit苹果apple, 梨pear, 香蕉banana, 桃peach, 橘子orange, 葡萄grape,西瓜watermelon,枣date季节season春spring, 夏summer, 秋autumn, 冬winter文具stationery:钢笔pen,watch, 尺ruler, 铅笔pencil, 刀子knife肉类meat猪肉pork, 牛肉beef, 羊肉mutton, 鸡肉chicken, 鱼fish,球类棒球baseball,足球football,篮球basketball,乒乓球pingpong,羽球球badminton,方向东方east,西方west, 南方south,北方north, 东南southeast,东北northeast,西南southwest,西北northwest天气weather晴fine, 阴overcast, 多云cloudy, 雨rain, 风wind, 霜frost, 雪snow,冰雹hail,雷thunder,雾mist亲人称呼appellation父亲father/d, 母亲mother/mom, 爷爷grandad, 奶奶grandma, 外公grandfather,外婆grandmother; 伯父uncle, 叔叔nuncle, 哥elder/brother, 兄弟brother, 姐姐妹妹sister, 儿子son, 女儿daughter, 丈夫husband, 妻子wife数词numeral一one, 二two, 三three, 四four, 五five, 六six, 七seven, 八eight, 九nine, 十ten, 十一eleven, 十二twelve, 十三thirteen, 十四fourteen, 十五fifteen, 十六sixteen, 二十twenty, 二十一twenty-one, 一百hundred, 一千thousand, 一百万million, 十亿billion官衔职业profession工程师engineer, 教师teacher, 律师lawyer, 官员official, 主席chairman/presider, 市长mayor,会计师accountant, 经理manager, 主管superintend, 总裁CEO, 总统president, 校长schoolmaster, 警察policeman, 护士nurse, 邮递员postman, 法官justicer, 厨师cook,助理assistant, 秘书secretary, 医生doctor, 教授professor, 雇主employer, 雇员employee媒体家电电视机TV/television, 报纸newspaper, 杂志magazine, 冰箱refrigerator, 收音机radiogram,电灯泡bulb,麦克风microphone,空调air conditioning,日报daily,晚报evening paper科目subject语文chinese, 数学maths/mathematics, 英语english, 物理physics, 化学chemistry, 生物biology, 地理geography, 哲学philosophy, 心理psychology特征词characteristic胖fat, 瘦thin, 高tall, 矮short, 干净clean, 脏dirty, 热hot, 冷cold, 老old, 年轻young, 大large/big, 小little/small, 重heavy, 轻light, 聪明clever, 笨stupid,贵expensive,便宜cheap,硬hard, 软soft, 甜sweet, 酸sour颜色color/colour红red, 黄色yellow, 绿色green, 蓝色blue, 紫色purple, 白色white, 黑色black, 棕色brown,灰色grey, 粉红色pink月份month一January, 二February, 三March, 四April, 五May, 六June, 七July, 八August, 九September, 十October, 十一November, 十二December动物animal猪pig, 牛cattle/ox, 羊sheep, 鸡chicken, 狗dog,蛇snake, 老虎tiger, 狮子lion, 鸭子duck,猫cat, 蜜蜂bee,鹅goose,兔rabbit,马horse, 鹿deer,骆驼camel,狐fox,狼wolf,熊bear,鼠rat,猴子monkey蔬菜类vegetable西红柿tomato, 马铃薯potato, 南瓜pumpkin, 西瓜watermelon, 冬瓜chinese watermelon, 扁豆pea, 卷心菜/白菜cabbage, 豆角bean食品饮料乳酪cheese, 面包bread, 三明治sandwiches,巧克力chocolate, 糖sugar, 咖啡coffee, 蛋糕cake, 饼干biscuit, 鸡蛋egg, 黄油butter, 蜂蜜honey, 果酱jam, 啤酒beer,服装clothing上/外衣coat, 连衣裙dress, 裙子skirt, 衬衣shirt, 裤子trousers, 内衣underskirt, 服装clothing, 衣服clothes,帽子cap/hat, 一套衣服suit, 鞋子shoe, 制服uniform, 礼服formal dress, 靴子boot,凉鞋sandal, 手套glove, 领带tie, 棉cotton世界七大洲四大洋亚洲Asia, 非洲Africa, 欧洲Europe, 大洋洲Oceania,南美洲 South America, 北美洲North America, 南极洲Antarctica, 大西洋Atlantic, 北冰洋arctic ocean, 太平洋Pacific Ocean, 印度洋Indian Ocean国家country/nation中国Chinese, 美国America/United States, 英国Britain, 法国France, 日本Japan, 俄罗斯Russia, 德国Germany, 印度India, 韩国Korea, 意大利Italy, 瑞典Sweden,西班牙Spain,澳大利亚Australia, 加拿大Canada, 埃及Egypt交通工具wehicle汽车automobile/car, 卡车truck/lorry, 火车train, 轮船steamship,飞机airplane,自行车bicycle/bike, 摩托车autocycle, 消防车fire engine, 救护车ambulance, 出租车taxi, 吉普车jeep,警车police car, 直升机helicopter疾病disease癌cancer,感冒cold,头痛headache,精神病insanity序数ordinal第一first, 第二second, 第三third, 第四four, 第五fifth, 第六sixth, 第七seventh, 第八eighth,第九ninth, 第十tenth农作物小麦wheat, 稻谷rice, 茶tea, 咖啡coffee, 烟草tobacco, 马铃薯potato,胡萝卜carrot处所城市city, 首都capital, 郊区outskirts, 村village,房子house, 楼房building, 商店shop, 市场market, 教堂church, 学校school, 图书馆library, 博物馆museum, 车站station, 剧院theatre成语谚语:It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。Where there is life there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。Love your wife,love her dog。爱屋及鸟Every bean has its black. 人无完人。 已经发送:季节、颜色、天气Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子In the dictionary of youth there is no such words as failure. 初生牛犊不怕虎There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪Better late than never. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败As like as two peas(beans) 一模一样Pain past is pleasure. 苦尽甘来in hot water 处于困境里More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨Love makes the world go around. 爱能使世界转动。do things by halves半途而废black and blue遍体鳞伤Love me, love my dog爱屋及乌Many hands make light work.人多力量大Eye for eye以牙还牙The outsider sees the most of the game.旁观者清Look before you leap. 三思而行Do it well or not at all.做就把它做好,否则就不要做。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母He is rich that has few wants.知足者常乐There is no use crying over spilt milk.不要为过去的不幸而哭泣Dont count your chickens before they hatch.心急吃不了热豆腐Still waters run deep冰冻三尺非一日之寒A stitch in time saves nine未雨稠缪Kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕 Put all your eggs in one basket孤注一掷
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