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披着羊皮的狼作文披着羊皮的狼她,长着高高的个子。白净的瓜子脸,还有一颗和她性格一样的牙齿永不服输,向外拱着。She is tall and tall. White melon seed face, and a character like her teeth - never give up, outward arch.她是谁?她就是我的死党:李梦迪。她有着多变的性格,为什么这么说呢因为她温柔起来像只小羔羊,发起火来像只大灰狼。有一回,我和吴鑫正有说有笑地写作业呢,忽然就吵了起来,李梦迪吵架时的样子有趣极了,嘴巴像小鱼的嘴巴一样,一张一合不停,叽里呱啦的说了一大串,谁晓得她说的是什么,可她仍然喋喋不休的说着。Who is she? She is my sworn friend: Li Mengdi. She has a changeable character. Why do you say that? She is gentle like a lamb, and she makes fire like a wolf. Once, when Wu Xin and I were talking and laughing at our homework, we suddenly quarreled. When Li Mengdi quarreled, he looked very interesting. His mouth was like the mouth of a small fish. He kept talking about a lot. Who knows what she said, but she still talked about it.李梦迪是一个爱热闹的女孩,不喜欢冷冷清清的,所以特喜欢让我周末去找她玩,我有时不想去,她就死缠着我,阴阳怪气叫着:“禹佳宁,禹佳宁。”叫得我 能酸掉牙,叫得我起一身鸡皮疙瘩,只好答应了。她有一双很大的眼睛,都说女孩子爱哭,可我从没有看见过那双大眼睛里闪过泪花,说她是铁石心肠吧,她会反驳到:“胡说,我这叫坚强,懂不懂?哪像你们啊,一个个的,动不动就掉金豆豆,丢人呀!”She has a pair of big eyes. They say that girls love to cry. But I have never seen tears flash in those big eyes. She said that she has a heart of stone. She would retort: nonsense, I am strong. Do you understand? How like you, one by one, cant move to drop the golden beans, shame这个女孩,应该大大咧咧吧,如果你这样想就猜错了。李梦迪是一个细致入微、心灵手巧的女孩,一根毫无生气的绳子,在她手里,三编两折,一个中国结就飞出了手心。This girl, you should be careless. If you think so, youre wrong. Li Mengdi is a meticulous and dexterous girl. A lifeless rope is in her hand. She makes it three times and folds it twice. A Chinese knot flies out of her hand.她有着狼的脾气,羊的温柔。狼的坚强,羊的灵巧。如果让我评价她,我称她为:披着羊皮的狼。She has the temperament of a wolf and the tenderness of a sheep. The strength of the wolf, the dexterity of the sheep. If I judge her, I call her wolf in sheeps clothing.
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