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一册1单元Just as Adam was cast out of Eden, I was kicked out of university; but while his transgression was eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, my sin was ignoring the tree. After my dismal performance in my first year of university, I contemplated the reasons for my failure. Now, I understand the two factors that contributed to my downfall: the lack of a career goal and premature independence. 正如亚当被逐出伊甸园,我被撵出了大学校门;亚当违反的戒律是偷吃了善恶之树的禁果,我的罪恶就是无视知识之树。在我大学第一年差劲表现之后,我仔细考虑了自己被逐出大学的原因。现在我意识造成我被逐出大学的两个因素:缺乏职业目标和过早的独立。 Without a career goal, I lacked direction and motivation. About halfway through my final year of high school, I was hounded by my parents to enroll in university, but until that time had not given any thought to what career I wanted to pursue. To silence their nagging, I told them I wanted to be an engineer. Though I got high marks in math, physics, and chemistry, I was bored with them, and my dislike of the science became apparent in the first four months of university. I failed all my science courses. 没有职业目标,我缺乏方向和动机。大约在中学最后一年过了一半时,我被父母追逼着到大学注册。 但直到那时侯我还未考虑我想追求什么职业。为了让他们不再说我,我告诉他们我想当一名工程师。虽然我在数学,物理和化学上得了高分,但是我对这些课感到厌倦,接着在大学的最初四个月里我不喜欢这些理科课程就变得很明显了。所有的理科课程都不及格。一册2单元Far sooner than most observers might have imagined, the juggernaut of online education has appeared to stall. For the first few years after the pioneering initiatives to take higher education online were announced, it seemed there was no stopping it. Promoters of instructional technology and distance learning advanced with ideological bravado as well as institutional power, the momentum of human progress allegedly behind them. 将要主宰世界的在线教育已经表现出停滞的趋势,这种趋势甚至要比大多数观察家所想象的来得快的多。在最初开创性地宣布让高等教育上网之后的几年里,这种趋势好像从来没有停止过。教育科技和远程教育的鼓吹者在冒进思想和体制力量的共同推动下继续向前迈进。而有人也说,人类社会的进步也是这两个因素之外的第三个推动力。 They had merely to proclaim its the future to throw skeptics on the defensive and convince seasoned educators that they belonged in the dustbin of history. The monotonous mantras about our inevitable wired destiny echoed through the halls of academe, replete with sophomoric allusions to historical precedent (the invention of writing and the printing press). Only a year or two later, however, the wind was out of their sails, their momentum broken, their confidence shaken. 这些鼓吹者仅仅通过宣称“这就是未来”就消除了那些保守者的怀疑并且让那些经验丰富的教育者们相信自己已经被历史淘汰了。那些肯定人类未来必将走向网络世界的言论象乏味的祷文。而这些言论在学术殿堂里得到了他们的回应和附和,并且含糊地用历史先例(比如文字和印刷术的发明)来作为证明。然而仅仅在一两年之后,潮流就不再顺应这些人了,他们丧失了动力,信心也动摇了。 1册4单元 The capital account is a record of investment and capital transactions between a country and the rest of the world. The capital inflows or outflows are usually called capital transactions of both long term and short term. Capital inflow shall be recorded as accredit item, while capital outflow shall be recorded as a debit item in the capital account. 资本项目记录一国与世界其他国家之间的投资及资本交易。资本的流入或流出通常称为资本交易,包括长期的和短期的资本流动。资本流入计入资本项目中的贷方,资本流出计入借方。The capital account covers three sub-accounts: direct investment, portfolio investment and short-term capital. The direct investment usually refers to the establishment of a plant or distribution network abroad. Investors could control or share control over sales, production, and research and development of such a corporation. Direct investment usually means more than 10 percent of ownership.资本项目包括三个分项:直接投资、有价证券投资和短期资本。直接投资通常指在国外建立一个工厂或销售网络。投资者可以控制或分享控制公司的销售、生产和研究开发。直接投资一般是指拥有10%以上的股权。Foreign portfolio investment covers all international transactions with an original maturity of more than one year, such as the purchase of shares from a foreign corporation. Short-term capital refers to the net change in the countrys international financial assets and liabilities with an original maturity of one year or less. Short-term capital flows include the normal everyday receipts and payments arising out of international trade and finance.外国有价证券投资包括期限在一年以上的国际交易。比如,购买外国公司的股票。短期资本是指一国的国际金融资产和债务期限为一年或少于一年的净额变化。短期资本流动包括在国际贸易和国际金融中发生的日常收入和支出。There is one account called “Errors and Omissions” in the balance of payments statements. This account takes into statistical errors. Errors and omissions are needed in order to bring the total debits and credits into an arithmetic equilibrium. The account of “Official Reserve Assets” includes mainly the gold stock, the stock of foreign exchange in convertible currencies, allocation of Special Drawing Rights and reserve position in the International MonetaryFund. 国际收支平衡表中设有“错误与遗漏”项目。主要考虑到统计上的错误。设立这一项目是为了使整个借方和贷方达到算术上的平衡。 官方储备资产项目主要包括黄金储备、可兑换的外汇储备、特别提款权的配额及国际货币基金组织的贮备头寸。一册5单元 A beautiful woman, we say in English. But a handsome man. Handsome is the masculine equivalent of-and refusal of-a compliment which has accumulated certain demeaning overtones, by being reserved for women only. That one can call a man beautiful in French and in Italian suggests that Catholic countries-unlike those countries shaped by the Protestant version of Christianity-still retain some vestiges of the pagan admiration for beauty
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