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2022年高中英语 Unit5 Canada“The True North” Section III Using language练习 新人教版必修3一、课前预习(一)重点短语1. 在远处 _2. 鼓励某人做某事 _3. 的混合 _4. 轮流做某事 _5. 将呈现给 _6. 在黎明 _7. 离近 _8. 横跨大洲 _9. 穿过森林 _10. 沿着海岸 _ (二) 重点句型1. She heard a lamb bleating _ _ _.她听到一只羊羔在远处叫着。2. Her success _ _ _try the same thing.她的成功鼓励我尝试同样的事情。3. Air is _ _ _ gases. .空气是各种气体的融合体。4. They were _ _ _ be on the night shift. 他们轮流值夜班。5. They _ their conversation _the class.他们向全班展示了他们的对话。6. The street lights e on at dusk and go off _ _.路灯黄昏时开,拂晓时关。7. The church is _ _ the school.教堂离学校很近。8. Taking a blind man _ _ _ is a kind act. 帮助盲人横过马路是一个善良之举。9. We followed a well-beaten path _ _ _. 我们沿着一条常有人走的小道穿越森林。10. They traveled on the steamboat _ _ _.他们坐着小汽船沿着海岸旅行。二、易混易错知识点in, on, to 用在方位词前的不同(1)介词in表示两者是包含关系,意为“在范围内”;Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。(2)on表示两者相邻关系,意为“在方向”;Nanjing lies on the Yangtze River. 南京位于长江之滨。(3)to则表示两者不接壤,意为“在方向上”。Wales lies to the west of England. 威尔士位于英格兰的西边。即境活用:(1) Shan Dong is _ the south of Ji Lin. (2) Russia is _ the north of China. (3) Da Lian is _ the east of China. 三、课后自测(一) 基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. What _(使印象深刻) me most when I saw Jackie was his humour. 2. They decided to break with _(传统).3. It happened that there was a telephone booth _(附近).4. He looked around to _(证实) that he was alone. 5. The _(混合物) of drinks made me sick. II. 完成句子1. 他的信证实了一切。(confirm) His letter _.2. 他乘公共汽车时把座位让给了站在他身边的老太太。(nearby) He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman _.3. 雷雨把那个小孩吓坏了。(terrify) The thunderstorm _. 4. 我非常高兴地通知您,您的申请已被接受。(pleased) Im very _ inform you that your application has been accepted.5. 当你去日本的时候什么使你印象最深刻?(impress) _ when you went to Japan?(二)能力提升自测I. 单项填空1. Where is the shooting centre?It is about 50 kilometres _ the city of Beijing.A. in south of B. south ofC. the south ofD. southern of2. What he had said and done in the school _ his parents and teachers.A. was pleasedB. pleasedC. pleased byD. pleased with3. Its based on the idea _ all people are created equal, _ is accepted by most people.A. that; thatB. which; whichC. which; whenD. that; which4. He could see the tall chimneys of the factory _.A. from distanceB. in distanceC. in the distanceD. to a distance5. She is _ of dark, so she often goes to bed with her bedroom light on.A. angryB. terrified C. fond D. interested6. Im afraid you are going in the wrong _! Go eastward instead.A. methodB. direction C. place D. manner7. As a successful businessman, he was so _ that he never cared how much money he spent.A. happy B. rude C. wealthyD. healthy8. Every morning the couple would walk _ the river bank.A. as long as B. as far as C. so long as D. so far as9. Im going to the office._ youre there,can you get me some stamps?A.WhileB.AsC.IfD.Where10. They really have a great time, designing, drawing the blue prints, _ the angle (角度), and so on.A. looking out B. taking out C. finding out D. figuring out11. I saw her get smaller and smaller, then turned around and _ the seashore to swim.A. went through B. headed for C. came from D. faced to 12. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. _, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too. A. In case B. In turn C. Once again D. After all13. Excuse me, Madam. I wonder if this bus goes to the East Lake? _. You should take Bus No. 521.A. Sure, it does B. No, it isntC. Oh, sorry, Im afraid not D. What a pity! Its not true14. Would you care for a drink? No, thanks. I _.A. would rather not B. wouldnt like toC. would like to D. prefer to have one15. Will you attend Jims wedding? No,_ I am invited, I will not go there.A. as if B. if C. unless D.
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