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PartB 第三课时一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. foest .fowrC.fatr( )2. besdeB. behind . bding() 3. A. iB. usC how二、根据录音的问句,给下面答语排序。. O, dear me!B Lets gn have aoo.C. , theresnt.D. Latr, Zoo.正确的顺序是 .三、判断下列单词画线部分读音是()否()相同。( )1. A. oouh( ) A. mou B. fur C.truer四、单项选择。( ). Thre_a ntre par in the city.A. ae B. is m( )2 Tere int _fi n he lke. A. m B. ay C. n( )3._there ny oe in thevilage es, ther_.A I; re . Ae; arent . Are;e( ).Arethr ay dck in the river _.AN, treisnt. . Ys,ters. .No, the arent.( )5. Lets ta ptu _the pnda. It is s cute. A f . to Con五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello! Im Zhg en. Id like o ntrou y vllagetoyou. My vle n th ountain.There a mnysmahouses nda river. Tre is a be overth ir. e wateris clean. here areman fishiit.There sa roadear the rivr.The re may flwers sde teroad. y lagei eabautiful.Yu can ee grenss,matres and alke. eloe to my ilage. Youlllovit,to.( )1. hangPngvillage is i he moutin.( )2.herisnt a brge over thever.( ). he are man tall buildins inthe ilae.( ) Ter i a rod narteiv.( )5.Teareno flowers beide the roa.听力材料:一、1 frest 2.uidn 3.ue二、1. Aretra peope n th house2. Wy nt yo take apicure ofm3 Yourcard s broen!4.Is thr lake near her答案:一、1. A . C 3 B二、1. 2 D . A4. C三、1. 2.T . F 4. 5 T四、1. B 2. B 3 C 4.C 5 A五、. T 2 F 3. F 4. 5. Fhp: /
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