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新概念英语单词第三册第54课:是本能还是机智【派生词】contamination污染【单词扩大】smear弄脏【单词例句】A: The river was contaminated with waste from the factory.A:这条河流被从工厂流出的废物所污染。B: How could those people do that?B:那些人怎么能这么做?【单词扩大】loathness厌恶【单词例句】A:He had a revulsion against his neighbor.A:他对邻居特别反感。B: Didn”t they get along with each otherwell?B:他们相处得不好吗? wagewed 进展斗争 【单词例句】A:She sometimes angers without provocationA:她有时无缘无故就生气。B:I also think she has bad temper.B:我也认为她脾气不好。 uncanny n”kn adj.神奇的,不行思议的 erase ”rez v 抹去【派生词】eraser橡皮【单词搭配】erase the infonnation删除信息 erase the blackboard擦黑板【单词例句】We must erase the handwriting.我们得擦掉这些笔迹。 praying pre祈祷 mantis ”mnts 螳螂entranced en”tra:nst adj. 出神的,着迷的【单词例句】A: It”s hard for me to clean the underside of the case.A:清理这个箱子的底面对我来说很难。B: Leave it to me. You can do other thing。B:留给我吧,你去做别的事情。【单词扩大】preoccupied出神的rapt着迷的【单词例句】A:They were entranced with the performanceA:他们完全被演出吸引住了。B: It”s really a wonderful show.B:那的确是一场很棒的演出。 sheltered ”eltd adj伤不着的,无危急的 nectarous ”nektrs adj,甘美的【单词扩大】nectarous甘美的【单词例句】A:I can”t stop eating the luscious peaches。A:这桃子大甘美了,我吃得停不下来了。B: Let me havea taste, too.B:我也尝尝。 aphid ”efd 蚜虫 underside ”ndsad 底面,下面【单词构造】tmder(在下的)+side(面)=imdeislde(下侧,底面)【单词搭配】swarm with布满 swarm into蜂拥而入【单词例句】The students swarmed out of the classroom.学生们蜂拥着跑出了教室。 clever ”klev n.机智
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