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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Oracle数据库 ORA-28000 错误处理方式ORA-28000: the account is locked-的解决办法ORA-28000: the account is locked第一步:使用PL/SQL,登录名为system,数据库名称不变,选择类型的时候把Normal修改为Sysdba;第二步:选择myjob,查看users;第三步:选择system,右击点击“编辑”;第四步:修改密码,把“帐户被锁住”的勾去掉;第五步:点击“应用”再点击“关闭”;第六步:重新登录就可以通过验证了;第二种ALTER USER username ACCOUNT UNLOCK;第三种在plsql developer中要是以scott/tiger登录时提示ora-28000 the account is locked。解决办法:新装完Oracle10g后,用scott/tiger测试,会出现以下错误提示: oracle10g the account is locked oracle10g the password has expired原因:默认Oracle10g的scott不能登陆。解决:(1)conn sys/sys as sysdba; /以DBA的身份登录(2)alter user scott account unlock;/ 然后解锁(3)conn scott/tiger /弹出一个修改密码的对话框,修改一下密码就可以了在运行里面输入cmd在DOS模式下输入sqlplus,以system用户名登录,密码是刚装oracle时自己填写的密码orcl,登录进去以后。SQL conn sys/sys as sysdba; (分号是必须的但是我是以system登录的所在这不应该写conn sys/sys as sysdba应该写conn system/orcl as sysdba;) Connected.SQL alter user scott account unlock; User altered.SQL commit; Commit complete.SQL conn scott/tiger/请输入新密码,并确认后OKPassword changedConnected. 这时再到plsql developer里面以scott/tiger登录就可以了。 Oracle 10g 默认安装带来的用户名/密码 UsernamePasswordDescriptionSee AlsoCTXSYSCTXSYSThe Oracle Text accountOracle Text ReferenceDBSNMPDBSNMPThe account used by the Management Agent component of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage the databaseOracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationLBACSYSLBACSYSThe Oracle Label Security administrator accountOracle Label Security Administrators GuideMDDATAMDDATAThe schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router dataOracle Spatial Users Guide and ReferenceMDSYSMDSYSThe Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator accountOracle Spatial Users Guide and ReferenceDMSYSDMSYSThe Oracle Data Mining account.Oracle Data Mining Administrators GuideOracle Data Mining ConceptsOLAPSYSMANAGERThe account used to create OLAP metadata structures. It owns the OLAP Catalog (CWMLite).Oracle OLAP Application Developers GuideORDPLUGINSORDPLUGINSThe Oracle interMedia user. Plug-ins supplied by Oracle and third party format plug-ins are installed in this schema.Oracle interMedia Users GuideORDSYSORDSYSThe Oracle interMedia administrator accountOracle interMedia Users GuideOUTLNOUTLN The account that supports plan stability. Plan stability enables you to maintain the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts as a role to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.Oracle Database Performance Tuning GuideSI_INFORMTN_SCHEMASI_INFORMTN_SCHEMAThe account that stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image StandardOracle interMedia Users GuideSYSCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform database administration tasksOracle Database Administrators GuideSYSMANCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager database administration tasks. Note that SYS and SYSTEM can also perform these tasks.Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationSYSTEMMANAGERAnother account used to perform database administration tasks /
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