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初中英语复合句练习题1、 If my uncle next weekend, we n加油with him. Sounds grn加油eat!A. will come; will go skn加油iing B. will come; gn加油oes skiingC. comes; will go skiin加油ng D. comes; goes skn加油iing2、- So, can you tell me _n加油 here today?- Well, I n加油was walking down Centre Street n加油when a UFO landed.A. n加油what did you see n加油 B. what you sawC. when did you see it n加油 D. when you saw3、There n加油low and dirty housn加油es here,but you can see n加油now is a beautiful parkAcan ben加油,which n加油 Bused to be,WhatCweren加油,that n加油 Dwilln加油 be,where4、What is a coon加油l job?I would say “a cool jobn加油” is _you would do even if you didnt gn加油et paid for it. A. on加油ne B. whin加油ch C. why n加油 D. that5、 The wolves hid then加油mselves in the places _ coun加油ldnt be found. A. thatn加油 B. where C.n加油 in which D. in that6、He wan加油s very interested in Beijing _n加油_ he took many phon加油tos _remember the sights.n加油A. in order that; so that n加油 B. so that; in order toC.n加油 unless; in order that n加油 D. unless; as a resun加油lt7、Excuse me, could you pln加油ease tell me if the sportn加油s meeting _ on time?Hard to san加油y. If it _ tomorron加油w, well have to put it off.n加油A. will hold; rainsn加油 B. will be held; rainsC. willn加油 be held; will rainn加油 D. holds; will rain加油n8、I dont know when _ tomorrn加油ow.I will call you as soon as hn加油e _.A. will he cn加油ome; arrives B.n加油 he will come; arriven加油s C. he will come; will arrive n加油D. he comes; will arriven加油9、If I you, I more n加油attention to the pronunciatin加油on. A. were ; will pay B. wen加油re; would pay C. am; would payn加油 D. was; would pay10、Unless he _n加油_the job on time next n加油week, I cant tell him when he _n加油another job.A. finishes; is givenn加油B. will finish; will be gn加油iven C. will finish; will given加油D. finishes; will ben加油 given11、However much _,n加油 it will be worth it.A. doen加油s the house cost B. costs the housen加油C. the house will costn加油 D. the house costs12、It is not n加油so important what you say _n加油.A. but how do you say itn加油 B. as how you sayn加油 it C. as how do youn加油 say it D. but how you san加油y it13、_ _ you are, youn加油 live, you must be interested in the fn加油uture of this planet.A. Whoeven加油r; however B. Wn加油hoever; whichever C. Whoever; wherevern加油; D. Whenever; wherever14、n加油Michael Jordan has failed over ann加油d over again in his lifeAnd thatsn加油 _ he succeeds Awhatn加油 Bwhen n加油 Cwhy n加油 Dwhere15、I ll nen加油ver forget the day_ tn加油he great scientist came to our school an加油nd gave us a speech. A. thn加油at B. which C.n加油 when D. where 16n加油、Which invention do yn加油ou like best?QQ. It is an inventn加油ion _ can hen加油lp us communicate with others onlinen加油 freely.A. what B. n加油that C. whon加油17、People from different places con加油me to visit Zhao qing _ isn加油 famous for its beautiful mountainsn加油 and lakes. A. whn加油at B. whichn加油 C. who18、Tony, tell me then加油 result of the discussion_n加油_ you had with your dad yesterdan加油y.A. what B. which C. wn加油hen D. who19、Did your uncle tn加油ell you _?Yes, he said he wentn加油 there in 2019.A. how he gon加油es to Wuhann加油 B. why did he visit KunmingC. whn加油en he traveled to Hong Kn加油ong D. where did he spend hisn加油 vacation20、 Could you tell n加油me _? Sure. n加油Walk straight along this street ann加油d youll find it.A. how cn加油an I get to the post officen加油 B. where is the post offin加油ceC. which is the way to the postn加油 office D. hn加油ow far the post office n加油is21、Can you see _n加油_?No. Lets go n加油and have a look. Maybe we can加油n help them.A. what was hapn加油pening there B. what an加油re they doing thereC. what are n加油they talking there D. what in加油s happening there22、 Could you n加油tell me _? I mustn加油 find him. Sorry. In加油 have no idea. But he was hn加油ere just now.A. where Tom wasn加油 B. wn加油here Tom has gone C. where can I n加油find Tom D. wheren加油 has Tom been23、 David, could yon加油u tell me _? - En加油very four years. A. when the n加油2019 World Cup will finishn加油 B. how often the Worln加油d Cup takes place C. how many teams n加油take part in the World Cup D. who man加油y score th
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